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Qaysar AlAboosi’s Avatar

Qaysar AlAboosi

Wealth Management
Business and Financial Operations Occupations
Burlingame, California
5 Answers
4783 Reads
1 Karma

Active Locations’s Avatar Aug 04, 2021 816 views

What age is it best to start a business.

Hi I'm 14 in the 10th grade.
My name is Aiyana. #business #business-development #marketing #entrepreneur #finance

Jack’s Avatar
Jack Apr 17, 2021 629 views

What should I do if I only know where I want to go but not what to do?

I'm a Junior and have recently been thinking about what I want to major in, which university is the best fit for me, and what career is suitable for me. Over the past few months during the pandemic, I've thought over wanting to get into Computer Science, and studying abroad in Japan seemed to...

Alondra’s Avatar
Alondra Apr 19, 2021 1983 views

What should be my first step to choosing the best career path for myself?

I am currently a junior and I have no idea what career path to go for in the future. #career

AREF’s Avatar
AREF Apr 25, 2021 820 views

Do you think that age determines the change of job?

#jobs #first-job #job-market #summer-jobs #job #job #job #job #job #job #job

Jaiden’s Avatar
Jaiden Apr 14, 2021 770 views

What is the most efficient way to begin having an income and how should it be saved?

I have been wondering on how I should start saving my money, besides not spending it at all, so what should I do to begin saving, and also, how should I find a great way to have an income, especially when wanting to become an athlete or gamer. #career #stocks #money #gamer