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Stuart Bowen’s Avatar

Stuart Bowen

Associate Director of Student Communications
Educational Instruction and Library Occupations
Fairfax, Virginia
27 Answers
47901 Reads
241 Karma


Civic Duty

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Cheyenne’s Avatar
Cheyenne May 14, 2016 1235 views

What is the transfer process like for a community college student to becoming an University student?

I am currently a student at Riverside City College, and I am planning to transfer to a University in the next few years. I wanted to know what the transfer process entails for not only out of state schools, but also California Universities as well. #school-counselor #education-counselor

Kahla’s Avatar
Kahla May 15, 2016 1396 views

Is it ok to go into college unsure of a major?

I'm going to school to major in Psychology, but now I feel unsure. #college #undecided

Szatana’s Avatar
Szatana May 16, 2016 1142 views

Can getting your college degree be completed in 4 years?

Most of the people I know have taken more than 4 years. I'm also putting Mathematics because that's what I want to pursue in college. #college #mathematics #academic

Destiny’s Avatar
Destiny May 16, 2016 1290 views

what time would you say is ideal for changing your major in college?

I know I want to be in the medical field, but I am not sure which path to take. #college-admissions

Emma’s Avatar
Emma May 16, 2016 1140 views

Can employers see how often I changed my major/minor?

Employers may see these changes as indecisive, and that is an undesirable trait. Especially if the majors/minors change through a broad spectrum of job areas. #college #major #majors-and-minors #employer-relations

McKinley’s Avatar
McKinley May 13, 2016 1859 views

I am still unsure about what I want to study in college, but my family is strongly encouraging me to become a nurse, should I just listen to them?

My grandparents, parents, and siblings all think I would be a great nurse but I am unsure that that's for me. My problem is I have no idea what is for me, so how can I know if they are wrong or right about that? #nursing #career-choice #parenting

aida’s Avatar
aida May 13, 2016 1133 views

what classes would i have to take to major in english lit?

I am curious as to what classes I will be taking #college #major #english #classes #in #literature

Sarah’s Avatar
Sarah May 13, 2016 1041 views

Is it more difficult to get accepted to a school as a transfer versus as a freshman applicant?

I didn't get into my first choice as a freshman applicant, so I was wondering if it would be even more difficult to be accepted as a transfer. #college #admissions #college-transfer

Max’s Avatar
Max May 12, 2016 3138 views

I can not seem to win any scholarships, does anyone have any suggestions on how to win any?

Because I am not having no luck getting anything. I am a good student with a GPA of 3.9 and top 5 in my class. #scholarships #financial-aid

Jamie ’s Avatar
Jamie Apr 30, 2014 5109 views

do you think it is smarter to go to community college first or to a university first?

i am going to college next year and i am just not quite sure which to pick #teaching #teacher #colleges #principal #friends #community #parents

Jesse’s Avatar
Jesse Apr 25, 2016 1437 views

I heard that you need to be a math whiz to be an engineer. Is that true?

Kids in class are interested in learning more about this career. #engineering #math