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Angella chepchirchir’s Avatar

Angella chepchirchir

SEO, MARKETING, ANALYST , psychologist
Business and Financial Operations Occupations - Life, Physical, and Social Science Occupations
Nairobi, Nairobi County, Kenya
76 Answers
89590 Reads
485 Karma


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skylar’s Avatar
skylar Jul 04, 2023 1093 views

Is it a good idea to teach and work on my major at the same time?

I want to become an elementary teacher, and want to start as soon as I you think it is a good idea to teach and work on my major at the same time? Or is it going to be too much?

Kayla’s Avatar
Kayla Jul 03, 2023 399 views

What Type of Knowledge do I need in order to get a career in real estate?

What type of knowledge do I need in order to get a career in real estate? I know that I need information on business and taxes however, I do not know where to go to learn that information. I am interested in anything that is business relate.

Ozzie’s Avatar
Ozzie Jul 02, 2023 524 views

Are there careers what work with animatronics without needing to be good at math?

I'm interested in animatronics but I struggle with math and I'm wondering if there are options that would work for me or if I need to exclude that when considering careers.

Julietta’s Avatar
Julietta Jul 04, 2023 447 views

How many majors can I do?

How do u know the type of major you want? Can u major in more than one thing

Bryanna’s Avatar
Bryanna Jul 04, 2023 356 views

How to be successful as a college freshman?

What are some tips for a college freshmen?

Shianne’s Avatar
Shianne Jul 03, 2023 387 views

Why is it so hard to be a black female doctor?

Is there a way I can be a doctor in a field that deals with children? Would it be expensivive to be a doctor in the United States.

Lissy’s Avatar
Lissy Jul 04, 2023 467 views

What is it like to be a psychologist/therapist?

Just curious if any therapists out there have any experience or advice

Juliana’s Avatar
Juliana Jul 04, 2023 437 views

How do you begin if you want to start building a path to buisness ownership? Why is it important to know this? Is it easy? Hard? What age can you begin?

Owning a business is a big dream of mine and want to know more on how I can begin a successful journey, realizing what may happen, as a senior in high school it's the last year and I want to begin my career

Constance’s Avatar
Constance Jul 03, 2023 542 views

How can someone stop procrastinating and be more time mindful?

I procrastinate a lot and always wait until a couple days before or the day before to do things for school. Please give me tips on how to do it right away.

Genesis’s Avatar
Genesis Jul 03, 2023 388 views

What is the best possible path for me?

What is the best possible path for me going into culinary?
How can I become a private chef?
And what would that look like?

ethan’s Avatar
ethan Jul 03, 2023 636 views

what do i need to study to be an animation director?

i don't know what to study to be an animation director

Farim’s Avatar
Farim Jul 03, 2023 617 views

How is work as a driver?

I'm interested in becoming a driver.

Nalini’s Avatar
Nalini Jul 03, 2023 699 views

How to start a career in Instructional Design?

I am an SME in the Chemistry field and looking to switch to the Instructional Design field.

I am seeking a piece of serious advice and what are the options for jobs in this Instructional Design field.

Emma’s Avatar
Emma Jul 03, 2023 582 views

What is the best way to save your money without overwhelming yourself?

I do not want to overwhelm myself with a ton of work while also trying to keep good grades with my schooling.

nmb’s Avatar
nmb Jul 03, 2023 497 views

Is the IUG program (B.S in Security Risk Analysis with an M.S in Informatics) offered at Penn State University worth pursuing? What benefits may I get from staying an extra year?

Debating if I want to pursue an IUG path and how valuable it would be to my future. I am also first gen so I do not have many people I can go to for advice like this one.