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San Jose, California
3 Questions
111 Karma

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Alexa Jan 25 379 views

What is the work life balance of an ultrasound tech?

I want to work in the healthcare field but not become a doctor or nurse. I would like to hear from those who work as ultrasound techs. How do you handle stress at work? Do you have enough time for your personal life? And do you feel fulfilled with what you do?

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Alexa Jan 25 362 views

Tips for living on campus?

My dream school is an hour away and requires freshmen to live on campus in a dorm for the first year. What should I do or know to be better prepared?

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Alexa Jan 25 290 views

What is the hardest thing about being an ultrasound technician?

I am currently a high school senior looking into becoming an ultrasound tech. I want to learn more about the cons of this job before I make any decisions on what career path I want to commit to.