Aishwarya Pai
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Which careers make the most money?
I want to know what job I should pursue to make the most money? #money #compensation

What do top tier consulting firms look for in resumes?
Please explain the factors consulting firms look for in a resume from someone in college when deciding whether or not to call a candidate in for an interview. #resume #consulting

Pros and cons of working at the college you're attending?
The university I'm planning to attend has many job opportunities for students to work on campus. I was thinking about doing it as it would help financially and also just to get work experience. Should I? If I do decide to, should I wait until my sophomore or junior years? Or could I handle it...

Is it better to have internship or part time Job ?
I am a high school student in my junior year I am looking for internships,but I am also thinking about getting a part time job.
I'm just curious if having an internship is better than having a part time job? #jobs #internship #life

Can anyone tell me about their experience of living in college's dorms what did you take away from this experience?
I am curious about the different experiences in living inside a college's dorm. #college #experience #life

At what point did you realize, this is what you wanted to spend the rest of your life doing?
I'm not quite sure what I'd like my career to be and it's hard to think I'd be settling to do only one thing for the rest of my life. How did you narrow it down and find something you're so interested in, to make it a career?#Spring24

How do you know if you picked the right career for yourself?
Question Career Decision

What amount of money do i have to save for private college?
Who am I supposed to contact before going to join college

How to be successful in life and be comfortable?
Name : Rudy
More details on Health and Engineering and how to be successful.

When going to college, Is it best for me to invest my time on what I would like to do or what is best for me and my family? (hashtag #Spring24)
I'm going to college and would like some advice.

How did you overcome your personal/outside life from getting in the way of your education?
I personally am the type to let everything get to me so like work and personal problems, they'll stop me from doing my work in school which I have to prioritize. I need to find a way to help me keep going even though there are MULTIPLE different things going on, I try not stressing myself and...

How do I trust that I can succeed in my field after hearing that multiple people have failed in it how do I continue to have faith and follow my passion?
Every time I tell someone what I want to study, they approach me with negativity and say that it’s hard they know people who didn’t fail and one time I even rethought my major completely I want to be a medium manager for a sports team or just a marketing manager for sports team. I want to do...

What are some tips for college?
I just finished my freshmen year of college and I am wondering how the next years will be. Should I be focused or worried about anything? I am also a Forensic Psychology major and I don't have a minor yet. Should I be thinking about minors?

How can I better prepare myself for the future?
I am currently a rising senior and originally I thought I wanted to be a physical therapist, but I know they do not make a lot of money. I want to be in a career where I can help people and still be able to help myself.