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Baganzi’s Avatar


Rosenberg, Texas
3 Questions
136 Karma

Baganzi’s Career Goals

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Baganzi’s Avatar
Baganzi Sep 05 436 views

What if you go to military can you still vist your family or partner during the time you serve as a reserve?

What if you go to military can you still vist your family or partner during the time you serve as a reserve?

Baganzi’s Avatar
Baganzi Sep 04 542 views

To get the benefits for military does it depend on how many years you serve and if so how many?

To get the benefits for military does it depend on how many years you serve? and if so how many?

Baganzi’s Avatar
Baganzi Sep 03 331 views

How many years do you have to sever in the military as a welder

How many years do you have to serve in the military as a welder