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4 Questions
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Jay’s Career Goals

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Jay Dec 13, 2024 304 views

Why is it that Doctors are understaffed?

It is commonly known that there aren't many Doctors, but why is that exactly? Is it due to the commitment required? or something else entirely?

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Jay Dec 12, 2024 124 views

Are ER Doctors trained for the emotional challenges that come with the field?

Being an ER Doctor comes with a lot of challenges, i'm wondering how people deal with the mental/emotional side of these challenges. Are Doctors trained for this? or is this something people have to learn when the time comes?

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Jay Dec 09, 2024 266 views

Is it worth the commitment of several years of college to become a doctor?

I know that becoming a Doctor takes years of college (The amount varying between what type of doctor you want to be) I want to know if the years of school is worth it in terms of Income and mental fortitude.

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Jay Oct 23, 2024 269 views

How do I achieve my career goals utilizing my strengths and hobbies?

If my strengths are high productivity and professionalism what types of careers or industries might best fit me? What other strengths or experiences might I need for the suggested careers?