Brinley’s Career Goals
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What are the best uni/colleges in the Saskatchewan East Alberta region What can you do at a vet clinic while still being in high school??
I have a two picked out for sure that I want to apply too when I’m older (Lakeland College and Olds) . What are jobs you can do in a vet clinic while being in school that’s preferably not a receptionist ( my closest one is TERRIBLE to their receptionist and just employees in general)

Is there any pre courses you have to take in high school to be a vet tech ?
I am in gr 9, my school has literally next to nothing a lot of high school classes are online. I currently have 3 jobs and I’m keeping two until I graduate, both of them are quite flexible (one of them is cat sitting!!!) but i want to plan ahead.

What high school classes should I take to be a vet tech?
I am in 9th grade but I want to plan out what classes to take in future years. My school doesn’t offer much, we have only 4 high school teachers so lots of classes are online.