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khadijah’s Avatar


Abuja, FCT, Nigeria
2 Questions
151 Karma

khadijah’s Career Goals

i want to be an author who write motivational books and makes change in the lives of millions from different part of the world.

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khadijah’s Avatar
khadijah Feb 03 780 views

how to make money online without getting involve in getting scamed and what online jobs pay well for teenagers at the age of fifteenfore the age before the age of 20?

start an online job and make money before the age of 20. and also make it productive in my life. without getting involve in any bad online job or getting scamed.

khadijah’s Avatar
khadijah Jan 22 621 views

what do i do? how do i do it?

i am writer and i have written alot of books but i don't know how to publish them.
pls help me do so.