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Felix’s Avatar


Eagle Mountain, Utah
4 Questions
404 Karma

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Felix Jan 25 651 views

How to get an art modeling job?

This is just a random job I want but there's no places nearby (I don't have a car) and most places look like they're either for kids or just a random person's house. Are there any good jobs near me? (EM, Utah)

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Felix Jan 25 770 views

Do I really have to choose a career?

I don't find any careers appealing and I have no skills or interests.

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Felix Jan 24 1402 views

Why choose a career?

I don't really know what career to choose as 1) I don't want a career and 2) nothing really interests me.

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Felix Jan 24 759 views

Should I choose a career?

I don't really know what career to follow and I don't really want any career, I don't want any of the important jobs, I'm more of a follower than a leader.