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Gavin’s Avatar


Commodore, Pennsylvania
2 Questions
191 Karma

Gavin’s Career Goals

I want to become a criminal defense attorney after collage i feel very passionate about this job and feel I can make a difference in the world

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Gavin Jan 28 437 views

How do I get into business?

I want to go to collage for either business or law but I don't know which is better and easier to get into

Gavin’s Avatar
Gavin Jan 28 317 views

How do you get a decent job at a law firm, most of them want you to have years of experiance but you wont have that until you get a job are there law firms out there that hire straight out of collage?

How do you get a decent job at a law firm, most of them want you to have years of experiance but you wont have that until you get a job are there law firms out there that hire straight out of collage?