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Jos6 views

Who is a petrochemical engineer?

What are the criteria to become an engineer

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Rena5 views

Internships for people who can speak multiple languages?

I am interested in communicating with people with multiple languages! I can speak two languages and I am currently learning a third! What are some good internships?

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karen13 views

I know this isn't related to a job....but any ideas of insurance that Pennsylvania takes that is cheap for new drivers? Also, what helps in bringing the rate lower?

if possible, pls include the price per month as well

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Lisper22 views

why are we always aware that we have forgotten something we don't know?

i really wonder

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karen31 views

What is a good way for a 16 year old girl to make money?

Hello, I am looking for an easy way to make money online. I have an airbrushing company, and I will hopefully start selling dips for bread. I was wondering if there was a way to make money doing something easy online.

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Jamaica89 views

How to earn money for 13 year old?

I have to say thank you for guiding me to help

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Linda96 views

What is Biology and Anatomy?

Why is Biology needed to study nursing and medicine?

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Gavin57 views

How can I be good?

very good very good me need good

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Desirae69 views

How do I become a Rn?

I’m a 17 year old CNA and I want to become a RN. Im a junior in high school and after this summer I will be a senior. What is the fastest and most efficient way to become an RN?

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Jane67 views

What does the community what from young children ?

I think the community need to accept all the child can offer and help them grow

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Steven63 views

can i learn Japanese language from youtube ?

can i learn Japanese language from youtube ?

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Doris84 views

What does it take to be a successful psychiatrist?

I am a current high school junior, thinking of majoring in psychology for college and on the pre-med track.

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THOMAS117 views



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Malak119 views

What is the hardest part of the nursing program?#Spring24?

Hello, I want to pursue a degree in nursing with my bachelors and will be applying to Wayne state university bachelors of nursing program once I get done with my pre-read. And it’s 3 years. I want to know what will be the hardest part of the nursing program and how can I be able to look out for it and stay on track and not get overwhelmed. Also, I haven’t had any experience in the healthcare industry would that be a bad thing or it doesn’t make a difference since I’ll be leading everything from the start?#spring24 hope I win!!

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Gabriella105 views

what is the best flavor ever oh i need more words ?

hih hihi ah hi hello more than 10 words hi hi hi hi

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