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What classes did you take to become a technical engineer, or what classes would you recommend?

I am asking because I am currently taking many classes that involve math and that i think would be good to be a technical engineer but i am uncertain as to wether they are all i need or just some of what i need. Thank you for taking the time to read this and answer. #engineer #classes #technical

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3 answers

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Gary’s Answer

Hi, good question....I found this link to KSU engineering degree plans and college prep...they show a lot of courses that are suggested to take in preparation for college and while in college. This will give you an idea of what courses to take while in HS.

Suggested College Preparation in Math

The degrees shown earlier in this section are conferred on completion of the prescribed curricula. The letter that precedes each curriculum indicates the suggested high school math courses that students should have completed.

(A) One unit of algebra, or one unit of geometry, or a unit involving the combination of these, or approved substitute
(B) One unit of algebra
(C) Two units of algebra
(D) One unit of algebra and one unit of geometry
(E) One and one-half units of algebra and one unit of geometry
(F) Two units of algebra, one unit of geometry, and one-half unit of trigonometry

Good luck!

Thank you comment icon thank you for taking the time to answer my question i now feel that i am more likely to succeed Sinue
Thank you comment icon thank you Gary Wesley
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George’s Answer

I would definitely try to find hands on classes, I found classes around HW design (VLSI) very valuable even though I didn't plan on designing HW. It allowed me to understand everything underneath what I code.
I would also make sure you focus on your influence and communication skills, alot of engineering is being able to work with others and coming to aligned technical decisions.
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Nicole’s Answer

Hi Sinue D. I see that you posted this question a little while ago so I hope my answer to you (or others who may read this response) is still helpful.

As I read this question, I am not quite clear on whether you are in high school or in college/university. For high schoolers, I recommend participating in extracurricular activities or clubs that include elements of robotics. If you are in college/university, depending on the school, available programs and location, there can be countless opportunities to expose yourself to technical classes like building, coding and others. You could also consider volunteering for either on campus or off campus projects. Another possibility includes summer internships/jobs that could expose you to technical tasks and/or larger technical projects.

Hope helpful and best of luck to you!