Career questions tagged wildlife-conservation

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Darrell581 views

Can an autistic artist become an animator while also being a zoologist?

Hello, I am interested in becoming an animator in the animation industry as an autism advocate. However, with the rise of layoffs, AI, alongside other problems in the industry, I am trying to find a backup plan to have in case I am not able to make into the industry. I am thinking of becoming a zoologist but being an autistic person who is afraid of getting hurt, I am unsure if I want to become one or not. (For those who are in zoology or are zoologists, geologists, etc.) Is it possible for someone to become a zoologist while educating those with autism in the animation industry? Can a zoologist be a backup plan in case things go awry? What majors should I take to learn on how to become one?

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Braedon563 views

How can I become a Fire Crew Supervisor by 35?

My goals in life are to be a Frontline Fire Fighter, then continue to Fire Crew Supervisor, and after if I still have time get my Doctorate in Forestry Preservation and teach as a professor.

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Dalton312 views

Hi my name is dalton and im in 8th grade and i have been wanting to be a conservation officer and i was wondereing how long it takes for you to become a conservation officer. I was also wondering how much you make when you first start.

I have always wanted to be a conservation officer when i was little

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Gabriel1567 views

What is the training that game wardens have to do?

I am in 10th grade. I want to become a game warden in either Wisconson or Minnesota.

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Kiera565 views

I am interested in wildlife conservation. How do I go about finding someone to do an informational interview with?

I am a high school student in dual-enrollment looking to learn more about different careers in conservation, possible colleges, and what courses would be required, as well as different experiences on the field and in the lab.

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Avery332 views

How did you figure out you wanted to work within your career field and what do you do most days in your job?

I am a high schooler interested specifically in environmental science/biology and Wildlife conservation or zoology.

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Jennah923 views

What kind of education do you need to work with zoo animals?

I want to be able to work with wild animals like big cats, monkeys, unique birds, etc. Do you need to do any specific training or extra schooling to do so, or do you jump right into hands on training?

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Tyler551 views

What is a good paying job that involves being outdoors and nature?

I like to be outdoors using stuff in nature. I also enjoy building stuff. I invest a lot of time doing stuff outdoors and in nature and know a lot about nature.

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Xander901 views

What would be the best Major and Minor to have in college if I wanted to be a Game Warden in the future??

I live in Nebraska and was wondering what the best steps to take in the future are.

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Austin836 views

What does a daily schedule look like as a conservation officer?

I am interested in becoming a conservation officer

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Jazmin1077 views

What careers in biology will allow me to travel often?

I have always been interested in and enjoyed traveling, and would like to pursue a career in conservation or wildlife biology. What careers in that field, if any would involve frequent traveling? #conservation #nature-conservation #wildlife-conservation #wildlife-conservation #wildlife-biology #conservation-biology #travel #traveling

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Jazmin4533 views

Should I consider changing my wildlife/conservation biology major if I am bad at math?

I want to pursue a degree in conservation biology or wildlife biology, and have been told by previous professionals that I should keep my grades up in science math classes. While I enjoy and excel in my science classes, I am not as good at math. I am able to maintain an A or high B in all math classes, however it has always been a difficult subject for me if it does not involve a formula, or some sort of defined rule to follow. I didn't think conservation biology would be as concentrated on math, but if it is, should I consider changing my major? #wildlife-conservation #wildlife-biology #stemcareers #stem #choosing-a-major

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Jazmin1171 views

What jobs can I apply for with a degree in conservation biology?

I previously wanted a degree in wildlife biology, but after I further explored my interests I became more intrigued with the conservation aspects of biology rather than the scientific aspect. It's also come to my attention that Conservation Biology is a fairly knew major, and I was wondering what jobs accepted that degree. #wildlife-conservation #animal-conservation #wildlife #wildlife-biology #job-search #general-career-advice-for-young-people

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Jazmin1928 views

What can I do in high school to prepare for a career in wildlife biology?

I want to pursue a career in wildlife biology or conservation biology. At my school, there are extensive programs to prepare students for a career in the medical services, and engineering. There's classes for theatre and visual arts, as well as other performing arts programs, however there does not seem to be anything at my school to expose my to the areas of my interest. Is there something I can do on my own time to get some sort of experience/exposure to wildlife/conservation biology? If so, what? #wildlife-biology #conservation-biology #wildlife-conservation #career-opportunity-and-preparation #college-prep

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Danielle2237 views

What does it take to become a wildlife rehabilitator?

Helping and conserving wildlife is an interest of mine. What major or classes should I look at to become one? #wildlife-rehablilitation #wildlife-conservation #wildlife-biology #biology

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Danielle957 views

What happens in a typical day for the Department of Conservation?

I'm interested in working for my state's Department of Conservation, but I don't really know what their average day looks like. #conservation #wildlife-conservation #biology #nature-conservation #wildlife-conservation

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Sean844 views

What type of employment can I obtain with a B.S. in #wildlife conservation/environmental science#?

#Environmental science# and wildlife conservation are what I will major in while in college. #environmental-science #biology #ecology #wildlife-conservation

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Sean686 views

How can I gain experience in wildlife conservation?

I want to major in #wildlife conservation# in college. #wildlife-conservation #zoology #biology

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Sydney906 views

What is the best method for getting a job in a zoo or wildlife rehabilitation center?

I have always been interested in wildlife and plan on being open to either option once I receive a degree in Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Sciences at Washington State University. So far this is just a plan but I will be applying for their spring semester which begins this January. I guess I just want to know if this is a good idea or if there is another method such as volunteering or internships that I should also keep in mind. #zookeeper #wildlife-rehabilitation #zoology #wildlife-biology #wildlife-conservation

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Jade1016 views

What are some career options that involve wildlife preservation or forestry?

I am extremely interested in Wildlife and Forestry. I want to study something along those lines for my major. But when it comes down to it, what kind of jobs are available under a degree along those lines? What options do I have in the State of Utah? #wildlife-conservation #us-fish-and-wildlife #forestry #utah

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Fazil1303 views

What are the options available in India for photography?

Hi! I am a class 10 student, very much interested in Photography. #photography #wildlife-biology #wildlife-conservation

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Yu-Wei1365 views

Is it difficult to get in a job that involves environmental sciences or wildlife management?

I'm really into environmental sciences, but I worry that there will be limited job positions for me in this field. Can anyone point out if it's easy to find a job with these two topics, or should I go into research instead? #environmental-science #wildlife-conservation

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Angelica818 views

How well can a wildlife veterinarian fit into wildlife conservation and education?

I like to think that teaching about nature and wildlife is the best way to get people to think of helping efforts to save them. While I don't want to be a teacher, myself, and prefer medicine to vague biology, I do want to help in similar ways to what they do. #veterinarian #veterinary #medical-education #animal-health #wildlife #wildlife-conservation #conservation

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Angelica1032 views

What sorts of opportunities are out there for a wildlife veterinarian, or what kinds of similar careers can one find win a bachelors in zoology?

I am going to college and majoring in zoology, but find it a major with low access to specialized scholarships and less recognized than biology. However I know it's probably better for becoming a wildlife veterinarian, as I am planning on. I have thought about the possibility for working with the state government in protecting or healing wildlife but find it hard to find if opportunities like those exist or if the closest I'd get would be talking to a game warden once in a while. #veterinarian #zoology #wildlife #wildlife-conservation

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Trevor1219 views

Are there college courses that I can take for becoming a Game Warden?

I am very interested in what type of education I will need to become a Game Warden. #law #police #wildlife-biology #fishing #wildlife-conservation #nature

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Trevor1854 views

What type of education do I need to have to become a game warden?

Hi, I'm Trevor. I'm a high school senior and I'm interested in being a game warden. Thanks for your help. #environment #hunting #fishing #wildlife #wildlife-conservation #fisheries-science

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