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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
5 Questions
321 Karma

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Alex May 01 439 views

How to self study game program and apply for korea company game remote job without university degree ?

I want self study game program from beginner to advanced apply korea game company remote job without university degree I’m vietnamese live from vietnam Can I apply job game program without university degree 2.does any know group self study with people study game program like me completely free...

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Alex Apr 02 1200 views

How to balance time ? currently study 4th years Japanese major From 1pm to 4pm class study Japanese on university From 7pm have part time job to 10pm How to manage time self study jlpt test,test,study programming,study music production if self study at home less time to balance part time job and self...

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Alex Mar 30 652 views

What job and how can become rich become billionaire ?

In Vietnam student like me if i do part time 4 hours they pay very low money.if i do part time job not enough live and pay rent
1.what job do online become rich fast can become rich fast online job in 1 month

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Alex Mar 30 661 views

What should i do balance manage time?

What should i do balance manage time? I currently study 4th year Japanese major,but i don’t like this major i almost graduate university this year.after graduate i want to do about music production and games program i have class 4 hours everyday Japanese major.after class on university i...

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Alex Mar 28 650 views

How to self study music production ?

How to self study music production ? I don’t have money go to schools,classes or study courses i didn’t know music or go to school study about music before. to self study music production if i don’t have money and what i should study first 2. Where and what i can study first if i don’t...