Career questions tagged hobbies

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Allison301 views

How am I supposed to juggle a part time job, college and hobbies without burning out?

I've wanted to be an EMT since 2019. However, when I researched more about it I found out that even before the pandemic, most EMS providers experienced burnout, depression, PTSD, and suicidal tendencies. Then, I began to wonder If I would still be able to enjoy the hobbies I enjoy like painting or building while maintaining my dream career. Please let me know what you think.

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Edd820 views

Should I give up my passion?

I have two passions only. Making Art and making Music. I am a graphic design student who is doing pretty well in college and juggling my Art and Music passions. I am pretty good at both of my passions. Lately someone told me that I should focus only on one passion. There are some youtube videos and articles that supports my situation and says that it's great thing two have two passions or even more and there are some youtube videos and articles that says that you should have only one passion and put all your focus on it. There is a kinda famous artist/musician called Jack Stauber who i stumbled upon lately who is juggling the same two passions of mine in addition to animation, sculpture, stop motion, many different musical instruments, singing, songwriting, and many more. he majored in Marketing . And there is also Caroline konstnar who is ballet dancer, artist, singer, comedian, actor, content creator. My question is should I give up on one of my passions and focus only on one, which is something that I don't wanna do. Or be like these two musician/artist examples and embrace my two passions through content creation by making music and making art for my music or making music and making animation for my music just like they do. Thank You

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Simran373 views

How many different aspects or hobbies do one need to stay balanced, such as friends, cooking, sports, and studying?

And what constitutes as balanced? Does balanced automatically mean happy? Or is it more productive and on the right track for the future?

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Linnea732 views

How do I find more hobbies to expand my scholarship applicability?

I'm only in 9th grade, so I know I have time, but I'm starting to think about college scholarships. I'm on a swim team but I'm not particularly fast compared to kids my age and even younger. I'm a straight A student but I know scholarships will require a little more than just academic success. How can I expand? Swim takes up a lot of time and I love it, so I'm not willing to sacrifice that, but I know I need to expand a little. I'm interested in musical theatre and singing, but struggling to find theatre opportunities for teens who are newer to the stage. How can I find something that'll work for me and make me a well rounded kid who's more applicable for scholarships?

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Joy1094 views

What role did your personal hobbies and experiences play in choosing a career?

Or what experiences or jobs that you had in high school and college informed/influenced the position and field you are in now?

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Takrim1035 views

Best Hobbies

What are the top hobbies and skills to learn in teenhood so a person can use them as an adult? Skills that are high value.

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Alayn1907 views

Are there any hobbies that would further knowledge on a biology orientated career path?

I would like to participate in activities that would further my knowledge an experience in biology or science as a whole.

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Dominick735 views

What career best fits my strengths and hobbies?

I'm a senior in high school and would like a future career as an auto-mechanic. My two strongest strengths are: I never give up and I am a problem solver. My hobbies are working and playing problem solving games. Given my strengths and hobbies what kind of career best fits me? What other strengths and experience might I need to become an auto-mechanic? #automotive #cars #trucks #mechanic #strengths #hobbies

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Emily1467 views

How does working long hours affect your relationships, hobbies, and interests?

I'd like to direct this question mainly to those in the medical field because that is what I'm looking to go into, but any insights are greatly appreciated! Even as a high school student I've had to put some of hobbies and interests on the back burner because of all of the school work and activities going on, but there has always been that "I'll have more time once ____ is over." Do you find yourself having to push these kinds of things off? How do you balance all of the aspects of your life while still having time to do the necessary household chores, etc? How does being on call play into that? #working #time #medicine #balance #timemanagement #relationships #hobbies

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Jessica1341 views

Is it wise to try and balance school/a career and a fairly intensive hobby at the same time?

I'm passionate about art! However, I don't want to try and make it into a career. I won't go into the reasons behind that right now, but I do want to keep creating on the side and continually improving, something that's really only possible if I dedicate a lot of time and effort to it, in addition to just occasionally making stuff whenever I feel like. But that time and effort could be spent studying and doing other activities I need to do... If anyone has also struggled with something similar, help a girl out!!! Or just give your thoughts. #art #hobbies #work-life-balance

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Nada933 views

Where can a person go to learn cryptography and ciphers?

I am interested in making a hobby out of these two things and I am wondering where exactly I can go to acquire such skills? If anyone knows anything on this subject it would be much appreciated for any pointers in the right direction! #extracurriculars #hobbies #cryptography #ciphers

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Kolbi1385 views

How can I pursue a career and continue to further develop my skills in hobbies that I am passionate about.

I want to become a veterinarian, but I heard that being in that particular field can be kind of time consuming. I just wanted to know how careers affect ones personal life. #career #time-management #hobbies #personal-development #career-details

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Iman1308 views

What is the best path to take after college ie, take a break, continue to go to school, get a job? I am wondering because I don't want to go to college if I don't use all of my skills I learned in college.

I am wondering because I don't want to go to college if I don't use all of my skills. I want to be able to have time to myself, yet be productive. #hobbies

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