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undefined's avatar

How should I look for colleges ?

How do I explore colleges with my major? I’m not entirely sure what I wish to major in, however am thinking of political science. Where and how should I look for educational opportunities? I am currently a sophomore in high school.

undefined's avatar
Md14 views

how can i do better in english?

uasf vf aosdfj aosjf oaf aofa aoafoas sdaid faoidsfsa d adf sof ou foodf af d a fa

undefined's avatar
Ryan21 views

Yes please let us have the details for you in my office today please ?

How far are we are you doing this for your dad today na I was just going

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undefined's avatar
Addi17 views


Idk bro I’m just doing this for evolve me points to get money

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jamila16 views

what is the best business ideas?

business tips

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Movindee48 views

How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of construction?

Hi I'm a final year civil engineering student at University of Technology Sydney. I'm a fee paying international student who's first language is not English. However I speak very good english since I had the exposure to it. How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of constriction?

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undefined's avatar
Md47 views

How can i get admission?

i am 14 years old.12 gread

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undefined's avatar
Md37 views

what's the meaning of this?

alskfj dkfjsaf sakldf asfkas as dfkasf asd asd fiasdf8aytjsdfnf

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eden37 views

which is the best fashion design?

design fashion tips

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Harsha66 views

What would be the best profession after BSc. geology ?

What would be the best profession to look into after bachelors in geology? I am planning to do masters after I complete bachelors. Could you let me know about some of the best places to study masters in geology? Thankyou

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Nini87 views

What is the way forward for healing after a loss ?

I lost my Dad and I find it difficult to move on

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Md70 views

what's the requirement?

SDsd sdfsdf dfgd dfx

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Mario59 views

What is very excellent in servic ?

is vry good

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Emmanuel106 views

How is the world evolving technologically? And what are steps put in place to ensure these technologies works out? Lastly, why is sad musics a growing genre of music in the world

How is the world evolving technologically? And what are steps put in place to ensure these technologies works out? Lastly, why is sad musics a growing genre of music in the world

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undefined's avatar
AARON94 views



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