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undefined's avatar

What is the most important part of fashion design so that I can invest in it ?

Fashion design is a creative and dynamic field that involves the art of designing clothing and accessories. Fashion designers conceptualize and create unique garments, from haute couture to ready-to-wear collections, keeping in mind factors like fabric, color, silhouette, and functionality. They often draw inspiration from various sources, including cultural trends, historical periods, nature, and personal experiences. Fashion designers work closely with pattern makers, sewers, and other professionals to bring their designs to life. This field requires a strong sense of creativity, attention to detail, trend awareness, and the ability to translate ideas into wearable pieces that resonate with consumers

undefined's avatar

What aspects of building construction within civil engineering aspect is important to the world most, and why"?

That's fantastic! Here's a question tailored to your interest: "What aspects of building construction within civil engineering captivate you the most, and why?"

undefined's avatar

What aspects of building construction within civil engineering captivate you the most, and why"?

That's a great choice! Here's a question: "Why do you feel drawn to civil engineering specifically, and what aspects of the field do you find most intriguing or exciting?"

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Charly11 views

How can I get a research opportunity or internship with a professor or company as a high school student?

Hi, I am an high school junior interested in conducting a research or interning in the engineering field this summer, but I’m not sure where to start or how to go about it. I contacted a lot of engineering firms around me and most of them either don’t do internships or don’t have any openings. I don’t have any research questions I specifically want to study, so I was thinking about emailing professors at nearby universities/colleges about joining their research but I’m afraid it might only be limited to students of that university with some sort of experience. I’m also worried that it might be too late since the university’s spring semester around me (their current semester) has just ended. Should I still try and email professors about to join their research, and if so, how? Or should I keep contacting more firms around me? What do you think I should do?

undefined's avatar
sonia7 views

how can i be profitable in managing finance?

i trade in forex and trade sugar

undefined's avatar
CATHY17 views

How to find a art related job when you have no any experience?

Hi Everyone. I'm an INFP, majored in Finance 10 years ago but found out I'm not that into finance career. I tried to find a job, but only those related with finance would be more likely hire me or I am qualified to. For example, clerk/cashier/biller/financial analyst. I don't have any art experience, but I really want to start working on something is art related. I don't know what suits me more. I have once had a thought, how about being a ceramics? how about being a art therapist? Apparently, I need to job that could support my life cost. What is your advice for me?

undefined's avatar
Bryanna9 views

Should I buy any veterinary equipment for myself as a vet-tech?

I have enrolled into Alfred State College in New York as a veterinary technology major. On my packing list and website, there was no information about whether I should buy any veterinary equipment for myself as in stethoscopes or scrubs, etc. Should I buy anything early for my college classes and further on into my career?

undefined's avatar
Caitrin92 views

How should I look for colleges ?

How do I explore colleges with my major? I’m not entirely sure what I wish to major in, however am thinking of political science. Where and how should I look for educational opportunities? I am currently a sophomore in high school.

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undefined's avatar
Md69 views

how can i do better in english?

uasf vf aosdfj aosjf oaf aofa aoafoas sdaid faoidsfsa d adf sof ou foodf af d a fa

undefined's avatar
Ryan88 views

Yes please let us have the details for you in my office today please ?

How far are we are you doing this for your dad today na I was just going

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undefined's avatar
Addi54 views


Idk bro I’m just doing this for evolve me points to get money

undefined's avatar
jamila43 views

what is the best business ideas?

business tips

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Movindee95 views

How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of construction?

Hi I'm a final year civil engineering student at University of Technology Sydney. I'm a fee paying international student who's first language is not English. However I speak very good english since I had the exposure to it. How do I improve my communication skills to become a confident and a successful engineer in the field of constriction?

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Md99 views

How can i get admission?

i am 14 years old.12 gread

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eden57 views

which is the best fashion design?

design fashion tips