1 answer
What's hard about being a kennel tech?
Not only do I want to be a cosmetologist, I also want to do stuff with animals. I was wondering- is it really all fun and games or is it much harder than that? #kenneltech
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1 answer
Isaac’s Answer
Vouleteer for last 9 years. Have fosterd /trained -rescue and service dogs. Working environment includes:clincs, pet stores, doggy day care, shelters and rescues. Must have a passion working with anmails and people. Work hard, be attentive, hardworking, and be willing to get your hands dirty. As a direct care worker the pay low, at times it can be very stressful. In order to be successful to must understand animal body language and behaviar.to be successful. Do your research and look to see who is using the best methods and techniques. This can be a very stressful job and it can very heart breaking no matter were you chose to work. It can be rewarding and the industry does need more anmial advocates.