How do you recommend I go about figuring out which career is the right one for me?
for my life #career #teaching
2 answers

Rick Metters
Rick’s Answer
It has been said "Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life". Try to think about what makes you most happy and fulfilled and learn more about how your passion and talents might transfer to a career. Also, sometimes the path to an eventual career might not be a straight line so feel free to try something that might stretch you as a person through a part-time job or internship. You'll learn a lot about yourself and may even begin to either identify or eliminate possible career options.
Also, volunteering is a good way to explore a possible career as well. When I was a student, I volunteered at a child care center. Little did I know at the time that a few years later I would take a "short term" job at a youth center that ended up becoming a career lasting over 20 years (which, in turn, led to a new career that started five years ago for me!).
Good luck in exploring!
Srinivas’s Answer
Lavanya. You have just specified that you are a student. could you please specify a little more about the grade you are in and your interest area so that I can give more specific guidance.