1 answer
BCom vs Bsc Psycology
If I were to best fit the real world for Industrial Psychology, would it be best with a Bachelor of Applied Social Science (Majoring in Psychology and Business Management) or Bachelor of Commerce in Industrial and Organisational Psychology? thanks so much i would hate to get started on the wrong path. your advice is much needed #organisationalPsycholgy #BCOMvsBSC #studyguidance
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1 answer
Lauren’s Answer
Hi Vicki,
Great question! In the field of IO, I’d recommend looking at the coursework required for both degrees. You want the specialization of IO, but make sure your coursework aligns with your intended future work. For example, if you want to work at an organization or as a consultant, business skills are essential. If you want to be a researcher or contractor, you’ll need more concrete systems experience.
Great question! In the field of IO, I’d recommend looking at the coursework required for both degrees. You want the specialization of IO, but make sure your coursework aligns with your intended future work. For example, if you want to work at an organization or as a consultant, business skills are essential. If you want to be a researcher or contractor, you’ll need more concrete systems experience.