3 answers
What is a day in the life of a elementary school teacher?
I am in 12th grade and I love to help and work with younger kids. So being like an elementary school teacher or middle school teacher would be amazing. My hobbies are spending time outside like going on adventures, playing basketball and coloring for fun.
#teaching #teacher
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3 answers
clementino’s Answer
If you wish to be, then go for it. Remember in every decision you have you need to consider all the consequences.
Choosing the best for you lies on yourself. God bless
Choosing the best for you lies on yourself. God bless
Kira’s Answer
Your day will start as a teacher from the moment that you wake up and likely won't end until sunset or bedtime.
You have to be able to coordinate, communicate, explain and remediate your entire classroom. You may have some personal time in the after noon, but remember that you are responsible for the performance and improvement for every single one of your students. Summers are good times to reflect and rejuvenate but expect that you will likely work over the summer, winter and spring breaks. Being a professional educator means that you will have to maintain a level of certification for the local authorities to manage and track your performance.
You are also responsible to: Parents, your peers, your principle, and your union representative. Each will have a very specific perspective on what you should be doing in the classroom. Some of those perspectives will directly impact how you work in your day to day, and some will be merely suggestions. It will be up to you to determine which voice should be the loudest influence on how you manage and control your classroom. Lastly you will have to prepare all of your students for batteries of tests, their performance on which may determine if you keep your job or not.
To begin you will need to assess where each student is in their performance based on the grade that they are in, and the state and local authorities expectations of minimum performance.
You may or may not have a rubric to help you determine how to measure, but hopefully you will have a master teacher as a part of your district to help you develop personalized education plans for each of your students.
Once you've identified where each student is vs where they need to be by the end of the year, you will need to build a plan for how each individual student will get there.
you will then need to communicate and document each students plans to your schools administrator, parents and/or your master teacher
you will finally need to construct an annual plan for the entire classroom to consider how they are to get to the minimum standards by the end of the year.
You have to be able to coordinate, communicate, explain and remediate your entire classroom. You may have some personal time in the after noon, but remember that you are responsible for the performance and improvement for every single one of your students. Summers are good times to reflect and rejuvenate but expect that you will likely work over the summer, winter and spring breaks. Being a professional educator means that you will have to maintain a level of certification for the local authorities to manage and track your performance.
You are also responsible to: Parents, your peers, your principle, and your union representative. Each will have a very specific perspective on what you should be doing in the classroom. Some of those perspectives will directly impact how you work in your day to day, and some will be merely suggestions. It will be up to you to determine which voice should be the loudest influence on how you manage and control your classroom. Lastly you will have to prepare all of your students for batteries of tests, their performance on which may determine if you keep your job or not.
Kira recommends the following next steps:
Mollie Ann’s Answer
It is a task to keep all these minds on one task. However, I demand respect. Therefore, I never had problems.
Author Mollie Ann Holt
Author Mollie Ann Holt