2 answers
How much experience should we need to look better for colleges?
I have a lot of experience in dance, I have a summer job, and have a lot of community service. #college
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2 answers
Nicholas’s Answer
Not sure what you're asking here, but you don't need any specific experience to look for colleges. If you want to go to a four year school, you should graduate from high school, and community college is an awesome option as well. Shoot for your goals, even if your parents or teachers say "you can't get in there." Maybe you will, maybe you won't. College is a great experience filled with learning for most people!
Helen’s Answer
Goal is to present yourself as a well rounded student: Good academic track record plus extra-curriculum achievements that demonstrate transferable skills i.e sports achievements (demonstrate commitment, persistence, grit, failure, recovery); volunteering (demonstrate collaboration/ability to work as part of a team, focus, execution); part time jobs (time management, productivity/execution, communication, collaboration). The closer these experiences/achievements are to your chosen field of study, the more transferable they will be.