3 answers
Dying to change my career and in years I have come to realize what I love and wanted all along.
I have completed my Bachelors in Business. I am 30 years old and it maybe too late for career or choices change. BUT I WANT TO PURSUE MEDICINE/MBBS. How can I do this in US at this stage. If anyone can help me and push me to jump in the scratch. I would atleast like to try. #medicine
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3 answers
Lynn’s Answer
It is never too late to make a career change! Some have even started new careers and college at 60! Determine what area of medicine you'd like to pursue then make appointments to speak with your colleges of choice for guidance. Possibly use your current degree at a medical institution and then from the inside begin to learn and pursue paths in medicine. Seek out others who are in the careers that spark your interest. Ask them for advice or come up with key questions and ask them for an interview. I am a firm believer that we can do just about anything that we set our minds to do. Don't let anyone shoot down your aspirations; be strong and firm in your decisions and move past any negative influence. Go for it. 30 is so very young!!
Jesmon’s Answer
It is not too late. You should pursue what you are passionate about. You can research the steps you need to take to move this along. You can check out the requirements at the American Medical College Application Service (AMCAS). You will need to prepare for the MCAT ofcourse.
Benny’s Answer
I'm not in the medicine field but my advice would be to purse your dream somewhere else outside the US, because of the student loans situation. If it's passion you have maybe you'll want to learn another language (or know one already) then I would see into majoring in another country.
For example say Portuguese (Brazil)
I would look into their programs/universities check how easy it'll be to get accredited in the US and would pursue that. It removes the stigma we have of being "older" and still in college because you're in a different country and onto new adventures! and who knows maybe you love the different culture, all while not having that debt that lots of MD say it's a big burden in their life.
For example say Portuguese (Brazil)
I would look into their programs/universities check how easy it'll be to get accredited in the US and would pursue that. It removes the stigma we have of being "older" and still in college because you're in a different country and onto new adventures! and who knows maybe you love the different culture, all while not having that debt that lots of MD say it's a big burden in their life.