2 answers
what happens after boot camp in they militarty
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2 answers
Cale’s Answer
Some military organizations have initial training broken into 2 parts. Basic training (where you learn the fundamental skills to be a generic soldier) and Advanced Individual training (where you learn specifics of your job field - like how to operate a hydraulic crane to load ammunition into a large truck). Infantry now has both of those schools combined. After these steps, you receive orders to report to your duty station somewhere in this wide world. There begins your career. Usually, you will start doing exactly what you were training to do in AIT. Have fun!

Carleen Chandler-Goodwine

Sr. Analyst Financial Operations Credit / Collections
Charleston, South Carolina
Carleen’s Answer
Hello Aleaxander
Boot Camp is one of the most challenging aspects of entering the military. This is where the process begins to convert your mindset from civilian to a military personnel. As previously stated once you have successfully completed boot camp your next step is to begin your formal training for your job field. This is decided before you enter boot camp, and is based on yours score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam. This exam is often administered to high school students however you can retake the exam for a better score if you are not please with your performance. Based on your career the time in school will vary depending on your job. Once you have successfully completed your formal training you will be given a dream sheet asking where you would like to be stationed. The military does try to accommodate your request, however the needs of the military will also impact your assignment. Normally you are given leave (time off) before you are to report to your new command. Once you arrive at your new station you will be assigned a mentor and that person is someone who works in your department and can help answer questions and show you around. The military is a great stepping stone and you will gain many valuable skills that will benefit you in life. You will be exposed to different people, cultures and places you may not encounter as a civilian and that can help with your overall approach to life. But as with anything it will be only what you make of it. If you choose to move forward with this career I wish you good luck and most of all have fun.
Boot Camp is one of the most challenging aspects of entering the military. This is where the process begins to convert your mindset from civilian to a military personnel. As previously stated once you have successfully completed boot camp your next step is to begin your formal training for your job field. This is decided before you enter boot camp, and is based on yours score on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) exam. This exam is often administered to high school students however you can retake the exam for a better score if you are not please with your performance. Based on your career the time in school will vary depending on your job. Once you have successfully completed your formal training you will be given a dream sheet asking where you would like to be stationed. The military does try to accommodate your request, however the needs of the military will also impact your assignment. Normally you are given leave (time off) before you are to report to your new command. Once you arrive at your new station you will be assigned a mentor and that person is someone who works in your department and can help answer questions and show you around. The military is a great stepping stone and you will gain many valuable skills that will benefit you in life. You will be exposed to different people, cultures and places you may not encounter as a civilian and that can help with your overall approach to life. But as with anything it will be only what you make of it. If you choose to move forward with this career I wish you good luck and most of all have fun.