2 answers
Sophia’s Answer
Hailey’s Answer
I think doing both are a great idea; it depends on what you are trying to accomplish with them. I split my time between part-time jobs and school activities while in college. My part-time job was related to my major to give me opportunities to connect with professionals in my career choice. My school extracurriculars helped me learn more about resources/activities my school had to offer me, and build a network of friends I have had since graduating- who often are a valuable resource when looking to find new jobs in the future. Part of going to school is about the social education you get with the people you meet there. You get your entire life to have a job. If you can afford it, do as many school activities as possible (or get paid for those school activities - I did that too!). The memories you make in college will be some of the best in your life. Enjoy, experiment, learn, grow!