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What’s the hardest part about studying abroad and how can a student better prepare his/herself?

I am an American preparing to study at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland for four years and would just like to know some of the unexpected difficulties of studying abroad along with some suggestions to avoid any mishaps.

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Austin’s Answer

Athena, good question. Studying abroad was perhaps the best decision that I made in college and I am incredibly grateful that I had the opportunity to do so, yet I was also unprepared for some of the challenges that I wound up facing while overseas in China. While my experience most likely won't be the same as yours, I have found that most students generally encounter many of the same problems to various degrees. Isolation is one of the most common complaints that students who study abroad encounter. You will be in a brand new place and depending on how outgoing you are, you may find yourself without your normal support network and people that you go to in your time of need. Being in a new place with new people without your usual go-to people or networks can be incredibly isolating so it is important that you advocate for yourself and talk to people if you find yourself having problems overseas.

Furthermore, while encountering new things and having new experiences overseas can be exhilarating, you may also miss some aspects of home. While I was in China, I at times really missed American food; while I loved the food in China, there were times that I wanted some familiar food from back home. For me it was food, for others it was family, language, faith, culture etc. The missing of aspects about home can be mitigated if you talk to people how you are feeling. It is likely that someone else in your program will be feeling the same as you and it can be nice if you and someone else do an activity that helps relieve that homesickness. I would go to American restaurants every other week or so while in China and this helped me a lot when I had a food cravings.

I hope this helps and I wish you the best in your studies in Dublin!!



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Esther’s Answer

Congrats Athena! Study abroad was probably the best decision I made during my college career. I would make sure to take advantage of joining clubs and societies at the school you which you are studying at that way you can more easily make friends with local people in the school. Additionally try to set up your schedule to travel to other countries as much as possible, traveling within Europe is very easy and cheap!
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Howard’s Answer

I found that the more college societies that you join, the more social interactions you get exposed to. You will quickly get to know the cultures of the locals, and also get to experience things that you have some interest in , outside of the course work. Joining a sports team in your local vicinity is also a good way of branching out, outside of the college regime.

Ig language is a barrier - try to get housing with a local family - you will quickly pick up the language and local hotspots too :-)
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Amanda’s Answer

Athena, congrats on getting in to Trinity! It is truly and exceptional school and in a wonderful city. I lived in Dublin for two years and it absolutely changed my life for the better. To be honest, I would be shocked if you don’t move there after four years!

My suggestion to you for preparation would be to step out of your comfort zone. Try not to live with friends, as making new friends (especially Irish ones) will really help for you to immurce yourself in the culture.

Secondly, prepare yourself for the ability to travel on long weekends. So many trips will arrive to go to Scotland, Berlin or Paris and you’ll want to hop on a Ryan Air flight with your friends! So try to avoid Friday classes if you’re able.

PS: When I was in Ireland I created a food Instagram of the best restaurants in the City called @YummyDublin. Give me a follow and have a great time!

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Lin’s Answer

Athena, congrats!!! Studying abroad in Rome was one of my favorite memories and best decision made during my college career. While there definitely were some hurdles I had to overcome, the pros outweighed the cons by a long shot. Initially, I found myself missing and longing for people/things that usually provide me comfort and a sense of home. I missed my family, missed my friends, and missed the familiarity of life in my college town where most of my friends remained for the semester. I was one of two in my friend group that decided to go abroad so I definitely also felt a sense of "fear of missing out" when they were still hanging out and I was by myself in a new country, knowing absolutely nobody. Those were my biggest struggles being abroad and really only lasted the first few weeks. That being said, still 100% worth it. As I began to immerse myself in the culture of my new city and got a routine going, the struggles became less and less. I started socializing with others in my program and made friends I could explore and travel with. As time progressed, I realized I had made a new family while abroad. I still missed my family and friends at home, but also came to the realization I had something special here. I got to travel a TON, see so many cultures, try new foods, try new things, meet new people, expand my horizons and so much more. It was the best 4 months of my life and looking back, I realize I will most likely never have another opportunity like that again. So my advice is, enjoy it to it's fullest. Because it'll be over before you know it.