How can I teach myself C++ from home?
3 answers
Siyang’s Answer
First of all, be confident! I would say it is totally feasible to self-learn C++ programming, although there are always people complaining some of the confusing and complex features of this programming language. I actually taught myself C++ 10 years ago when I was in high school and knew nothing about programming, and found out it is actually pretty fun(I admit a little bit challenging without too many online sources/interactive tools back to that time, but that also comes together with a sense of accomplishment when you actually figure it out).
If you are already a programmer of other languages, it should not be that hard for you to ship code in C++ within a few hours investigation of the official tutorials( And you can always find good online notebooks for comparing the difference between C++ and other languages you might already knew. e.g.
Even if C++ is the first language you touch, there is no need to worry since at least you still have great advantage over me when I picked it up 10 years ago. There are countless sources online that can help you to plan your learning, practice coding. You can take courses (here is a good one for beginners:, although it is actually a C course, but there is no much difference between C and C++ in the beginning, and this can help you to learn how to write code, debug and compile with C style), or you can try codecademy which provide online debugging tools and tutorials, but you may lose the joy of setting up your own environment.
Regardless of whether or not you have programming experience, be sure you get enough readings. This is even more important when you are learning some language like C++. Some popular references to list: C++ primer 5th edition(which contains detailed explanations about how the language built up and work, making it suitable for all kinds of people); Programming: principals and practices using C++(this is more about practical advices and can be used as tutorial); <span style="color: rgb(79, 79, 79);">Thinking in C++(very useful for real case programming and engineering usage and tricks); </span> The Design and Evolution of C++(more of a deep-dive book for problems like how C++ implement backend compiling, memory management, but interesting and will you save you from the confusion of pointers, multiple inheritance etc.).
Last and least, be sure to practice and be patient. This is actually true for all kinds of learning and especially important for learning to program and I feel, even more important for learning to program in C++, because C++ tends to be less intuitive in the beginning and needs time to dive both internal about the backend and external about the libraries to become an expert. No matter you are learning this language for, try practicing it starting from debugging simple problems in the reference books, and gradually change yourself by increasing the project size the problem complexity. If you cannot find projects challenging enough in the references or in you real life, try get some inspirations from C++ topic in Github , there are always enough area for you to explore!
Siyang recommends the following next steps:
Kasturi’s Answer
There is no simple and easy way to teach yourself C++ and be a master. However, you can start learning C++ and ensure that you have sufficient knowledge to learn intermediate and/or advanced topics. Once you go through these you can learn more by going through other Web sites
My recommendation would be the following:
- Go to a professional class (if u can - though u say learn from home) to get started for few weeks.
- Try to go through various You tube Videos which teach C++ on the Web. Few links below:
I hope this helps. Happy coding.
Praveen’s Answer
First, ensure you have a good computer/laptop with compilers such as Borland C++ or Turbo C++. There are tonnes of online resources available for learning c++. Start by writing simple programs and then start creating variations of the problems. The more you practice, the better you get.
Happy Coding.