Career questions tagged computer-programming

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W178 views

How best can I spend a gap semester/year in pursuit of a CS career?

I completed my 1st year at a competitive engineering university where all 1st year students take basic engineering classes and then apply for a specific engineering degree path. I applied for a CS path, but was given EE and ME options (as the CS path is, by far, the most competitive path). My passion is in CS and, unfortunately, the decision comes out after viable transfer deadlines for other universities had passed. If I wish to seek a CS degree, the only option I have at my current school is to take a semester of "core" classes (unrelated to engineering and/or CS) and reapply with a likely low chance of success in being offered a CS path. Rather than waste a semester, I am now considering taking a gap semester/year and then applying to enter a CS degree path at a new university. How best can I use this time to add real world experience and build out my experience in software development (I have been coding for years at this point). Open source coding projects? Finding an in-school-year internship (if such exist)? And, does this "non-linear" path hurt my chance of success in the job market after college?

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Omar379 views

What would be the best way to get a head start in computer programming?

I would like to know some good internships, resources, or ways to gain more experience in programming. I am currently a high school student, so I do have lots of time but I would like to get a head start. I was going to learn from resources online and I found this free online course but I never finished it and still have no experience. I would appreciate any suggestions and tips on how to get started.

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Rose457 views

what is computer science

what are the requirement for computer science

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Marlo613 views

There are 5 tracks in Merit Amrica, but I am not sure which one to choose. IT support, UX design, data analytics, Java development, and cyber security. I want to choose the one that has the best opportunities in the future and what each one does. Could you help me with that?

Hey, After I graduate from highschool I plan on applying for Merit America to get tech training and experience. I cannot afford to go to college. I do not think it is worth it. All I need is a high school degree. There are 5 tracks, but I am not sure which one to choose. IT support, UX design, data analytics, Java development, and cyber security. I want to choose the one that has the best opportunities in the future. Could you help me with that? Thanks

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Taylor342 views

what should I be prepared for when it comes to getting my computer science bachelors?

I am trying to be a Senior/Staff backend Software Engineer

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yasmine501 views

best way to road map about new skills like programming ?

best way to road map about new skills like programming ?

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Sam299 views

What is the best programming language to learn as a cybersecurity analyst ?

What is the best programming language to learn as a cybersecurity analyst

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Lacey556 views

How can I be come a professional programming and coding ...?

How can I be come a professional programming and coding ...?

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Itzel526 views

what are your STEM career experiences?

Hi! Im really into math, physics, and computer science and its something I want to do when I'm older however I've never met someone in these fields besides teachers, so career wise I'm confused. Could some of you tell me about your careers and what you do? I want to see what would suit me.

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klaus1049 views

what should i do to become best computer guru?

Im just curious to know almost everything in computer field.

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alok919 views

How can i get job in programming field at 13 years.?

If is Possible then where i want to earn because i want to become financial idependent If your website is legit then answer my question i want to earn

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Samuel781 views

How can I get a job in a programming field?

How can I get a job in a programming field. I know python and JavaScript, how can I get a well paying job in those field. I'm hardworking and diligent in my work

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Rani318 views

How can I get a high-paying job as a Computer Science student?

How can I get a high-paying job as a Computer Science student? I am an incoming freshman at a large university, and it is hard to get into the Comp Sci program in the first place, so how would I even know if I could land a job if the field is getting oversaturated?

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Xavier533 views

What are an engineer's first thoughts when dealing with a problem?

I am a freshman whose dream job is to be an engineer and I want to know what I should look for when faced with fixing a problem.

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Chris292 views

What is the difference betweens coding and programming?

Explain it in such a way a kid or a someone who isn't into tech would understand

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Melissa703 views

How do you pursue a career in data science?

I am majoring in computer science. What kind of projects could you build?

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parmita647 views

How do I narrow down a major I want to enroll in based on what majors I’m interested in?

I want to enroll in anything related to computer science/programming, graphic design, or psychology. I’m currently a 9th grader and I used to have a programming class which I enjoyed and excelled in. I’ve also had an interest in designing, specifically graphic design, for very long. Recently I’ve been growing a liking for psychology and anything related to it, as I’m fascinated by it. I don’t know how to choose between these 3 specific fields and need help on deciding one for college.

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Phil477 views

How do I as a Grade 10 ?

How do I as a Grade 10. I am an aspiring computer programmer studying computer science in school what are the key subjects

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Ten566 views

What are some factors I need to consider if I am a returning student interested in pursuing computer science degree?

I am an adult student, after years of being away from education I'd like to return and continue my education. I am also a first gen student. So, I am technically struggling to carve my path. I am interested in computer science. I am torn between online and on-campus education. I feel like online degrees will be more suitable for me. However, I am also looking for ways to not have a complete isolated learning experience or opportunities. What would be your best advice for this? Where can I start to understand the field? What are some factors I should look for in terms of quality of education in CS field? And any other comments or feedback are deeply appreciated.

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Daniel570 views

Why is programming not thought at my class level?

I am 14 years old I have passion for computer programming and development. I have been going online through many articles and lecture on computer programming please where else can I get more information and learning outlet for computer programming. Why is programming not thought at my class level?

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Logan502 views

Anyone Know any good coding sites?

What is a good site to learn more coding that is free? I am a high-school student that wants to pursue a major in the IT department. I want to get a head start on the coding process and I want to learn more coding languages because I have some experience in HTML but I think it would be fun to learn C++.

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Kieran1104 views

What is the best roadmap for learning programming?

I have only a little bit of knowledge in Python and I'm interested in building projects so that I can have a portfolio to showcase to employers. I don't want to rely on online tutorials in order to program my projects.

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Ridwan574 views

how do I know if computer science is the right college major for me

I'm a 16 vear old rising high schoo senior. and I've been learning how to code in my free time for the past year or so. I've decided that I want to study computer science in college, but I'm still not entirely sure about my decision.

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Isaiah700 views

Aside from the high pay, what is the appeal of Computer Science?

I am a college student at Hofstra University. I'm a Computer Science major and am currently a college sophomore.

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Nicholas414 views

How can i pursue a career in technology??

I am looking for a career path in computer technology or AV

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Tyler601 views

As a high-school senior, how should I go about learning different specializations in Computer Science?

I'm someone who is currently a senior in high school. I spent time learning about programming (writing code using Python and Java) and web development (HTML, CSS) for four years. I love spending time with those topics, but I recently explored topics like machine learning and computer systems engineering. I'm planning to study Computer Science at a four-year university, and I wonder what's the best way to explore specializations in computer science?

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Acree630 views

What is the best way to get into the Computer/technology world?

I am a senior in high school and plan to major in computer science in college. What is the best way to start coding, and how to learn it?

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Blakes294 views

What are some potential career paths or industries that align with my interests in gaming and coding . I'm passionate about both and would love to explore opportunities where I can combine my skills and hobbies into a fulfilling career?

I've been gaming and coding for several years now, and I've developed a strong proficiency in both areas. I particularly enjoy game development and have created several small projects on my own, ranging from simple mobile games to more complex simulations. Additionally, I've been actively involved in coding clubs and workshops at my school, where I've honed my programming skills and collaborated with peers on various projects. Now that I'm thinking about my future career, I'm excited to explore how I can turn my passion for gaming and coding into a rewarding profession."

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Alex597 views

What should i do balance manage time?

What should i do balance manage time? I currently study 4th year Japanese major,but i don’t like this major i almost graduate university this year.after graduate i want to do about music production and games program i have class 4 hours everyday Japanese major.after class on university i only have 3 hours self study,jlpt test,test,game program,music production how should i balance 2. Which youtube i can self study music production basic theory

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Joe371 views

How can i do better in programming?

I love writing codes, I want to know how I'll get better at it

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