Career questions tagged college-major

During their college education, students must declare a major or a focus area of study. Choosing a college major can be difficult if you are unsure about what you are passionate in. It is common for students to change their majors more than once throughout the... Read more Show less
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Brian453 views

What will I need to succeed in choosing a computer science related career ?

What are the requirements that I will be needing to choose a course that fits my interest and how to succeed in that course and also career paths to take regarding computer science

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Maxwell317 views

What should be my major and certification pathway if I want to become a project manager?

I'm going to my freshman year of college next year and I don't really know what to study or how to begin project management.

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Camari269 views

I'm a sophomore in high-school and now that i'm getting closer to college I'm realizing my choice of career path seemed to broad and i'd like to have a career as child-advocate lawyer things such as helping troubled children or children/teens in dangerous situations or mental well being Harvard had always been the number one university for me because it's the best law school In the U.S I knew I didn't want to pursue a career in criminal law so now that I'm really looking into it I'm not even sure if Harvard is the right way to go anymore do I pursue a career in psychology? or a specific major relating to it and I'm struggling to find which college would be the best choice for me concerning the career path I'm passionate about as I'm not entirely sure anymore. I've always wanted to go to an ivy league because I thought it would be the best option. Harvard has always been a top choice but Yale has found it's way into my choices as well. Now that I'm navigating my career path I'm not sure if there are the right choices or not or if these colleges have what I need them to offer?

I just want to make the right choices for me and realizing my choices were too broad and that I needed to be very specific with what I want to pursue in my career path I want to start thinking about these choices now so I can meet the criteria for my college though I am undecided as of now.

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Mia288 views

How do I know what to study or major in?

I'm in the 11th grade and looking at colleges and need direction.

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Jasmine555 views

Should interior designers get some type of college degree before working If so what do you recommend for majors and/or colleges??

I'm in high school, and I'm not completely sure it I want to go to college or not.

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Christabel489 views

What major is best for pre-med?

I am a senior in high school and I am not really sure what to major in. I am interested in Political Science and English Lit but I have heard that you need a science heavy background in order to get into medical school. I am really confused as to what to do? Any advice will be greatly appreciated

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Adilay720 views

What should I consider when deciding on a major and picking a college?

I'm currently a junior in high school and I'm still working on choosing what I want to go to college for. I might be interested in psychology, law, or finance, but I also really enjoy art and design. What kinds of things should I consider before making my final choice?

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Tasnin362 views

What would I do to become a dental hygienist or an ultrasound technician? (multiple questions in the description)

I am having trouble deciding whether I want to be a dental hygienist or an ultrasound technician. Either way, I am unsure of what I am meant to do to become either or. I was doing some research and they said I could just go to community college as you only need 2 years (associate degree) to become a dental hygienist (not sure about ultrasound technician) Is that true? Could I still go to a regular college instead and do 4 years to get my bachelor's? How many years would these professions take? What should I know before going into these fields? What college major would they fall into?

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Grace481 views

What are some possible career paths that I could take?

I am currently majoring in Anthropology (with a focus in biological anthropology) and in Mathematics. I like both subjects, but I’m more interested in anthropology. I’m trying to figure out career paths that could possibly combine these two. I also have an interest in forensic anthropology. I’m just not sure what to do with my life career wise so if anyone could give some advice that would be great.

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Gabriel162 views

How can I earn a bachelor’s degree to start becoming a marine biologist?

I share interest in becoming a marine biologist in the future, from studying about marine a biology, I learned that I need a bachelor’s degree and start my career.

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Samantha403 views

What do ice agents do?

When I grow up I’m planning on being an ice agent. I want to be an ice agent because it’s fun and you learn. I am planning on saving lives no matter the cost.

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Melanie250 views

What should I major in if I want to become a Lawyer?

Hi! I'm currently a community college student who will be graduating with their associates this upcoming December. I started off as a Nursing major but after taking some classes I've decided that my over goal is to become a Lawyer. I need to start applying to transfer schools soon but I do not know what major would be best. I would love to be a family lawyer. I've considered Political Science and Sociology but I would love to get a second opinion.

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Kaysan548 views

How can I explore myself to get experience working under a mentor to find myself fit for Engineering major fit and as a career?

I am a high school senior and I am looking for some type of voluntary work or internship to get experience working under Industrial Engineer / Engineering department or a company in exploring and learning about day to day responsibilities before getting into college-major of my studies as an Industrial Engineer or shadowing.

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Jazzy341 views

What are some unique majors you can take in collage?

Im just wondering. :]

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Maya354 views

Do I have a chance in college?

I been asking a lot about college applications and I'm still not sure if I want to reveal my real life story or choose something safe - yet unique to stand out. My unweighted GPA is a 3.3 while my weighted is a 3.7. I haven't done any extracurricular until my junior and senior year due to unfortunate events that happened in my past. But now that I am a senior, I been trying to force myself to grow. I'm currently a student ambassador at one of my schools, and I plan to join Deca.. and I gotten an internship for the same school I'm an ambassador for. Compared to other kids my age - my life feels so.. bleh. I just now started a Youtube channel to add as something I've done. But I'm worried I won't stand out at all. I need someone to be blunt with me, do I stand a chance in college?

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Ava907 views

How to improve my study ethic?

what is the best study way what works the best for people I am a sophmore in highschool and I am trying to retain as much as possible so I can become a great surgeon one day

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Ava780 views

What should i major in if i want to become a surgeon?

I want to know what i should major in when i go to college I am a sophmore in highschool and i want to know what Ap classes i should take in highschool becuse i am taking AP lang this year

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Medalith386 views

How necessary is it to have a degree in Journalism if you want to become a journalist?

Let me give you context for my question. I've been looking at LinkedIn profiles, and everyone who writes for a big journal usually has a degree in a different field like International Relations, Political Science, etc., and they have done something related to journalism. I'd like to know what your thoughts on this question are because I'm an international student at Ensign College. I'm doing a bachelor's degree in Communications, but I'm not 100% sure if this would be the right path to becoming a journalist. I've always been interested in showing people facts about certain situations because this will affect their decisions. I feel that the media plays a huge role in informing people, and this media is not always transparent. At least in Peru, you can see how news is biased, or the information they present can be manipulated to a certain extent to show only what will make certain parties look good. I feel this is the main reason why I decided to go for Communications, but, I don't know if switching to a Journalism program (in my case, I feel BYU would be a feasible option) will help me achieve these goals or at least get me to the place I want to be when it comes to making something about my country's reality. Any honest and kind opinions will be appreciated.

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Aarushi428 views

1) How do you know if public health is for you? 2) Is it a low-stress job with high demand? 3) What will be the best minor option to pair up with a public health major? 4) what type of careers are there in public health?

I am a senior in high school and narrowed down to 2 possible career paths to focus on in college. Thank you!

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Ava796 views

What classes should I take in highschool if i want to become a surgon?

I want to become a surgon I am going into my sophmore year and I want to know what is the best way to go if i really want to become a surgon

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AnveshKrishna420 views

What major should I choose in college to become a mechatronics engineer?

I am an eleventh grade student who really likes physics, math, and coding. I will be choosing colleges next year, and need help in choosing a major if I want to be a mechatronics engineer.

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Cece1138 views

My college doesn’t offer interior design focused majors or courses. Would a concentration in Digital Design be a useful fit for this career field ?

I’m currently attending the City College of New York with a major in Art. The other concentrations offered to me among digital design were studio art, photography, and art education. I picked digital Design thinking it would be the best fit but I’m having doubts. I just want to feel confident in the college path I’m on.

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Edosa606 views

Should I get my associates degree while in highschool?

I’m a freshman in highschool. My school has an early college program where you can take college classes and earn an associate’s degree. But I have no idea if it’s right for me. What would my highschool and college career look like if I got my associates in highschool? I heard that I’ve your looking to get into an IVY league or top college, the degree won’t help much. You can take some AP’s while doing college courses, but I believe by Senior year, where you’ll be taking 4 college courses, there will be no room for AP’s. Also, I heard that if you get your associates degree, you will only spend 2 years in college. I’m not sure how true that it. For me, I will am interested in biomedical engineering (this I’m not even confident in) The only thing is I’m not too sure of my future career… I could change my mind at any second. If I choose to get my associates degree in high school, my life will rush through when I’m not even sure about anything. What will I do if I want to change my mind?:( I’m not sure what I’m gonna do. I want to succeed. Like my older siblings, I want to get into good colleges with scholarships. They had a different high school experience and their school is much different from the school I chose to go to. I don’t know anything about any of this and no one is helping me!!! :,( I just really want to succeed, despite not being too sure about my future career…. I just hope everything works out. I’m supposed to make my choice by the end of this week. What do I do? Should I just go through highschool doing AP’s/Honors or should I try to get my associates degree? And if I were to get my associate’s degree in highschool, what would my future look like?

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CareerVillage Office Hours841 views

How to use AI to choose my college major?

We've noticed an increase in learner interest in choosing college majors and are posting a related question!

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Adams317 views

How do I discover my skill?

I discover my skill by exploring what I love doing, and putting interest to it Advancing in ways to improve in them

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F373 views

Is majoring in computer science worth it even though I'm not the most passionate about it??

I've been in comp sci classes all through high school and found them fun so I thought I might as well major in it but Im not really sure if im that passionate about it

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William570 views

What job should I get to save up for the career I want?

I'm 13 (a bit young to be thinking about these things, I know, but might as well plan this now!) and live in the Philippines. I want to move to a country with a better film industry one day because I want to write shows and films. My original plan was to do a dual degree for psychology and film, move to Singapore for a while and save up the money to then eventually move to a country with a bigger film industry. However I heard that it could take up to seven years or more to do that, which I don't think will work for me very well. I want to start my career as soon as possible. Hopefully to be in the US or some other country by the time I'm in my late 20. I can't do maths very well, so I think with the time to graduate and the time to save up to move, I would be in my early thirties by the time I get to start my career in film. Are there any other alternatives? What would be the best job for me to pursue before I start the career I want? I heard becoming an electrician doesn't take long and pays okay. Should I stick with my current plan? I also want enough time to work on side projects. (Apologies if this isn't very coherent. I am rather tired today!)

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London724 views

What are some colleges with a fashion marketing major? (more affordable than FIT or SCAD)

I’m a high school senior in Oklahoma and want to go to college for fashion marketing! What are the best colleges for that field?

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Nekesha245 views

Associates in Criminal Justice a waste of time if wanting to become a Forensic Anthropologist ?

Hello everyone. I want to become a Forensic Anthropologist and I know it's a lot of work and schooling which is fine. But I enrolled in a Community College recently to up my GPA from the last College I attended which was another Community College. I was okay with this plan until I 1) spoke with an advisor who wanted me to do an add on certificate, which I really don't believe I need. She also totally ignored the bigger picture of what I wanted to do by getting my PHD later on. 2) I realized after doing additional research that I merely need a Bachelor's degree in Anthropology, plus my Master's and PHD to get into Forensic Anthropology. Making my current degree track in Criminal Justice useless? My question is should I get my associates in Criminal Justice? Would it be an asset to me later on? Or is it a massive waste of time and I should consider transferring after a year? Any advice would be great, thanks!

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marie617 views

IT Major with Plans to Transfer After a Year—Need Advice

Hi everyone, I briefly mentioned this topic in one of my old posts, but I’d like to get more detailed advice. I’m planning to attend community college with an IT major for a year, and I’m considering transferring to a four-year institution afterward. I’m unsure whether it’s better to continue with the IT major during my community college time or switch to general studies. I’m worried about whether sticking with IT might limit my options for choosing a different major when I transfer. If anyone has experience with this situation or can offer guidance on how staying in IT might impact my transfer and major selection, I’d really appreciate your insights! Thanks in advance for your help!

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