Career questions tagged biology

A natural science that focuses on living organisms. Some related careers are a biochemist, high school teacher, biomedical engineering, and many more. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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Robert519 views

What Extracurriculars should I be applying to as a Highschool Sophomore wanting to major in Biology?

As a rising highschool sophomore, I wanted to know what programs/competitons I should be aware of and applying to if I plan to major in Biology?

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SNB575 views

Do I need a "spike" in my interests for college applications?

I see a lot of advice that students should have a spike in their applications to demonstrate interests and clear focus/passion. If they want to go into computer science they should do mainly computer science related classes and extracurriculars. I want to go into biomedical engineering so I am in engineering club, doctors without borders, and science honor society. However, I am also interested in public speaking so I do mock trial, TV production, and speech and debate, but I don't plan on pursuing that as my major in college. Will this negatively affect my college applications? If it does, what should I do from here?

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Jin521 views

What universities are good for biology (or STEM) majors?

Hello, I am a 17-year-old rising senior in high school and am looking to apply to colleges. I have a few colleges on my list but am hoping to add some more. I wish to major in biology and take on a career in STEM so am searching for colleges with a strong STEM program.

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Jin414 views

How can I find internships in STEM? (remote or on-site)

Hi, I am currently a rising senior in high school and wish to find an internship to do over the summer (and possibly into the school year). I wish to get an internship in STEM as I wish to pursue a future career in it. I am unsure where to look or how to obtain one.

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Jin351 views

What future careers could I pursue when interested in biology?

Hello, I am a 17-year-old rising senior in high school. I have a very strong passion for biology as I plan to major in it for college, yet I am unsure what career I could pursue if going into that field of study.

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Aarushi464 views

What are some career options if you major in genetics in college?

Is there a lot of demand for these jobs? Or is it limited?

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Meghana352 views

What are some helpful minors for Biotechnology majors?

I am interested in the biotech field and hoping to pursue bioinformatics track.

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Jin445 views

What can high school students do to further reach career goals in STEM ?

I am a 17-year-old rising senior in high school and wish to pursue biology in the future. I did a Student-mentor DNA barcoding research in my sophomore year. I hope to get more experience in science but amn't sure where to be looking or what I should be doing.

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Jamylah303 views

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean ?

What are some tips in Medical school, i'm currently a freshman in collage and ive been looking for some tips on med school, resources on how to pay that expesive bill and tips on the test?? I also heard that you get placed at a certain spot once completing that and I was confused on how that operates and what does that exactly mean

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Sanaii282 views

what are good extracurriculars for bio or animal science major?

I am currently a rising junior, and I want to have more STEM-based extracurriculars. Any tips/advice?

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marshall427 views

what are the benefits of eating balanced diet?

carbohydrates,protein,fats and oil,minerals,vitamins and water

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Giulia313 views

What classes should I take to set myself up for a career in science?

I’m a sophomore and I’m certain I want a career in the science field most likely something to do with genetic variations.

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Emilka259 views

If I'm interested in pursuing medicine what kind of jobs should I get as a teen?

I'm a highschooler interested in medicine and I was wondering if the job I get has to be related to this. I'm going to try and do volunteering this summer along with babysitting but what job should I get? I was thinking an acai bowl shop but I'm not sure if that will be okay.

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Anja277 views

Is my GPA considered good?

Hello! I'm finishing my second year of highschool and I'm not very happy with my GPA. (In my country, we have a GPA scale from 1-5.) Both this and last year my GPA was 4.41 (/5) and I don't know if that's acceptable for Italian universities. I'd like to study Biology (either Marine Bio or Genetics), I'm in my school's Model UN club and I'm going to start volunteering in an animal shelter soon, but I can't help but worry my GPA will be the reason I get rejected for a certain uni...

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Trenton293 views

What are the Benefits of becoming a Neurologist?

I was wondering if there are any benefits of becoming a Neurologist both short and long term.

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Trenton262 views

Any tips on how to do the programs and courses that are required to pass?

So for context I want to take Chemistry, Biology, Neuroscience, and Psychology In a University.

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Anuoluwapo248 views

How is it possible to pursue a major in nursing but also biology at the same time#Spring23?

Hello! I want to go to school and major in biology to pursue further education at medical school but I also want to have a back-up and at least a job that will give me some experience in the healthcare field, but I don't know if it's possible to pursue nursing and biology at the same time even though they should have pretty similar classes I believe.

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Leslie292 views

If you are in college and you're major is Biology, Chemistry, Biochemistry, Microbiology, Neuroscience, or Molecular Biology, can you name the school you attend(ed) and what consisted of the curriculum In other words, why did you choose your major and how advantageous was it for you?

I am a rising high school senior and am looking for insight into different college majors. I want to get into med school. If you have any tips, please share!

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Puja266 views

Bad at Biology

I am interested in the medical field, and I honestly can not see myself in anything other than medicine, but biology is one of my weak points. I don't find biology boring, rather the information just doesn't stick with me. I'm not sure what to do. Is going down the path to go into the medical field still an option for me? Is that smart?

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Azriel350 views

What is marine biology like??

I wanna know what marine biology is like because I want know what to expect and what I need to know about this career!!

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nadine341 views

how can i learn the biology of inscets in college?

biology college tips

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Bella1089 views

What kinds of non-repetitive careers are there in computational biology?

I'm an undergraduate student studying Computational Biology, passionate about biology, computational biology, and chemistry. I enjoy working in a chemical biology lab and am excited about my upcoming computational biology internship. I'm considering career paths but am unsure which is best for me. I loved shadowing in a clinic and enjoyed making diagnoses and interacting with patients, but I dislike the lack of flexibility and repetition in a physician's role. I'm skilled at managing projects and finding information quickly, enjoy working with driven teams, and am attracted to the business side of biotech, though I sometimes prefer working independently. I also enjoy research but am impatient with its slow pace and repetitive tasks. My top priorities are having a varied and interesting life, worldwide experience, a comfortable lifestyle with some glamour, and growth opportunities. What career paths would you recommend?

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Ezekial260 views

how do i become marine biotest

how long does it take to get your bachelors.

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SNB453 views

Should I take Physics Honors or AP Biology?

I'm in high school and for my science class next year I have the option to take Physics or AP Bio but I don't know which one would be more useful. I want to go into biomedical engineering and biology is more closely related to that field but I have also heard that colleges want students to take the main three sciences (biology, chemistry, physics) in high school. Which class should I choose?

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Alexander472 views

How do I proceed ?

I’m not sure how to continue my journey, or at least make it easier to come out of high school. I would like for my career to be in the medical field.

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Ava283 views

How should i stay engaged and not give up during med school. What are some helpful tips for this? #Spring24?

I sometimes have bad study habits and often get waves of no motivation. How can i help with this?

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kennedy309 views

What path do I need to take to fulfill my future career in Forensic Science?

What path do I need to take to fulfill my future career in forensic science? What Classes do you recommend I take in my high school years? what mindset should I have?

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Aeriel436 views

What is the pathway I need to take to become an Anesthesiologist ?

What major do I need to take in college? Do I need med school? Approximately how long would it take for me to become an Anesthesiologist?

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Samuel409 views

Career in biology ?

Career in biology

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