Career questions tagged pediatrics

Pediatricians are Doctors who take care of children 21 years and younger. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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Spencer225 views

what is done in pediatrics


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Haelyn446 views

How does an undergrad degree in Child Development prepare someone for OT school? Is Child Development a reliable major for a career in Pediatric Occupational Therapy?

I’m just beginning to research schools, as well as the field in general. Correct me if I’m wrong, it would be greatly appreciated!

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Trenton262 views

Any tips on how to do the programs and courses that are required to pass?

So for context I want to take Chemistry, Biology, Neuroscience, and Psychology In a University.

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KeAndria382 views

Questions for a pediatrician:

As someone who is starting high school I want to become a pediatrician so I have a few questions for any pediatricians or healthcare people. 1. As someone who is interested in this profession, what medical schools or colleges do you recommend that are affordable? 2. How do you overcome stress in difficult situations? 3. How do you deal with communication issues where your patient cant't explain their symptoms well?

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Mia572 views

What were the requirements to be a pediatrician 15 years ago?

I'm working on a project where I have to find the requirements of a to get a specific job 15 years ago and I can't find the answer anywhere. Please help!

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Emilka533 views

What classes should I take in high school if I want to become a pediatrician?

I currently take biology, algebra 1, english honors, and honors world history what should I take for the rest of high school.

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star928 views

What steps do i need to take to become a nurse major What would i need to study and how can i complete all the steps in a timely but effective manner??

What steps do i need to take to become a nurse major? What would i need to study and how can i complete all the steps in a timely but effective manner?

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Alayna164 views

What is the best major to take in college if you want to be a surgeon?

I want to become a Pediatric or Neonatal Surgeon and am genuinely curious what major most people who take this pathway take.

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Shandale225 views

What is a day in life of a pediatrician ?

I am interested in learning more about it because I am looking into this field of medicine.

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aubrey341 views

What is your favorite part about being a pediatric doctor, and what are the downfalls?

I am very interested in having a future career path in the pediatric unit. To be more exact I either want to be a pediatric nurse, or general surgeon. I am 15 years old and in 9th grade, and my whole life this career path has always stuck out to me. This year I am in honors science, and next year will be taking honors biology and honors chemistry. As a result, I can get into my schools' nursing program as well.

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tonny405 views

how to overcome stress?

asking help

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Alana302 views

What are some jobs in the pediatric field?

I am a freshman in high school, and I am considering going into the medical field. I have a few questions about the things I should do. - What steps would I have to take to have a job in the pediatrics field? - What are some jobs in the pediatric field? - Why is medical school difficult? - What jobs in the pediatric fields have a lack of women representation? - What are some jobs in the pediatric field I can make a career out of, so I can grow ?

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Sara708 views

How do I go about pursuing pediatrics occupational therapy as someone who is a political science major? Is it unheard of, given that I am not a stem major?

I am currently a political science major which I love very much, but I have always wanted to engage in some form of care. I know to work on prerequisites and shadowing hours for OT school, but i am worried my background may not be good for the career choice.

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Jalaa374 views

What is your previous experience providing medicine Care to Children?

I’m a Student trying to chase my dream in become a PN

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Jalaa425 views

What made you want to become a pediatric nurse?

I’m in the 9th Grade 👍🏽

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Laura459 views

When being a pediatrician is being funny a good thing in the job?

I am 14 years old, bilingual, and an 8th grader

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Charlene362 views

How much can being a caring person influence my pediatrician path?

I am 14 and in 8th grade. I was wondering how big of an impact can it change.

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Lynette517 views

How can I make myself and my environment more positive while being a pediatrician?

I am in the 8th grade and want to go to the medical field.

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Isabella368 views

What are some junior courses I should take if I want to go into premed?

I want tp go to college, and hopefully go to med school after and pursuing my dream of becoming a doctor. I am not sure which type of dr I would want to become but my options are open.

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Megan453 views

What is the best way to succeed in fellowship?

Specifically, critical care!

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Arsema505 views

Would it be better for me to take AP or IB if I want to be a pediatrician?

I am currently a freshman taking an IB course, but I have the opportunity to switch to AP. However, if I choose AP, I would need to take Latin. Unfortunately, my school does not offer many AP courses that align with my intended major, with the exception of Biology. The available AP courses offered by my school are: African American Studies, Art History, Biology, Calculus AB, Computer Science, English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Environmental Science, Microeconomics, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, U.S. Government, U.S. History, and World History. After researching both options, I found limited and mixed opinions about IB online. Some sources suggest that IB does not guarantee a diploma and is exceptionally challenging. Additionally, my school requires students to stay after school each day to attend classes, which I am not sure I am willing to commit to. However, if IB is the recommended pathway for pursuing pediatrics, I am willing to take the risk. However, admission to the program is not guaranteed, and I would need to pass an exam. Given these factors, I am genuinely undecided about which path to choose. (If I should pick AP, can you please select the APs that would best suit me.)

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Arsema942 views

What are the most suitable IB classes, colleges, and majors for future pediatricians?

Hello, I am a dedicated high school student aspiring to become a pediatrician, but I’m uncertain about the path to take. Considering my enrollment in the rigorous pre-IB track, I wonder what would be the most suitable IB classes, colleges, and majors that will align with my future career in pediatrics. I am committed to gaining the necessary knowledge and skills to excel in my dream.

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Abrianna647 views

How much does training cost to become a pediatrician?

After all of the schooling and the practice in hospitals, how much will it cost to be trained to become a pediatrician?

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Siya543 views

What personality do I need to become a kids doctor?

What skills do I also need to have to become a kids doctor?

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Madison284 views

How long does it take to become a pediatric Nurse or Doctor ?

I am looking forward to gaining more information and insight on what this career path requires

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Ashly471 views

How is it being a pediatrician? Is it a good career?

I've been wanting to be a pediatrician for the longest because I love kids, I'm good with kids and I also have a love for the medical field as well. I think it would be the best career for me because I get to work with kids and treat them as if they were my own while I try to cure them.

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Lila650 views

What passion projects should I do as a junior who is interested in Nursing?

Hello, I am a current junior and I have been hearing alot of people saying that passion projects can help greatly in your college applications. So I was wondering what passion project ideas could I do surrounding anything medical related! I am interested in nursing, specifically pediatric nursing!

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Rina805 views

How should I start my nursing career ? Where should I go to start??

I am currently 15 in sophomore what should I do if I want to pursued my career and get in the medical field or med-school i don’t know what kind of nurse I want to be I just want to help others and care for them idk what I should do right now and I want to start everything early and I am planning on graduating early so I can see what I need to do while I’m still young and be able to do things by myself right now and help others while I can. So give me an idea of what kind of nurses I should be. Or what I should do.

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Caitlyn547 views

Is Occupation therapy for me?

What Job or Occupation should I go into if I enjoy kids and love helping people. I was thinking Pediatric Occupational Therapy or some type of job where I can help people. Is there something else that I would be interested in? Is there any other careers like the ones I listed? Thank you so much! (Oh I also dislike needles :)

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Kimberly528 views

How can I become a pediatrician?

What steps do I need to achieve in order to become a pediatrician?

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