Career questions tagged working-with-kids

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Laura459 views

When being a pediatrician is being funny a good thing in the job?

I am 14 years old, bilingual, and an 8th grader

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Rosemarie3193 views

What are the best things of being a child care worker?

I am a middle school student and have always wanted to be a child care worker but I don’t know if I would like it. If any one has been or is a child care worker could you share some experiences you had?

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Sam1039 views

What’s a good career to work with kids?

What’s a good way to grow experience working with children? I’ve always liked kids and would love to have a career working with them it’s my dream job..

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Skylar1099 views

Speech Pathologist?

For speech pathologists do you choose your own hours? Are you able to have a big family and still have time for everything? What is the salary? What is your day to day schedule?

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Aleja958 views

Should I become a pediatrician despite that I am not interested in science?

The main focus of the medical field is science, and although that is not my interest, I would love to become a pediatrician. Will this disinterest eventually make me regret studying to become a pediatrician? I love working with kids, and I can really imagine myself in this career. #medicine #working-with-kids #confused #majors #medicalschool #will-i-regret-doing-it

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Olivia863 views

What requirements would I have to meet in order to become a Pediatric Nurse?

#nursing #pediatric-nursing #pediatric-nurse #nurse #nursing #working-with-children #working-with-kids

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Eliah1223 views

I like kids but not classrooms. What careers should I look into?

I could see myself teaching, but not in a classroom. #teaching #education #children #k-12-education #outdoors #working-with-kids #informal-education

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Erinise6945 views

What kind of careers are out there working with young children?

I really want to work with young kids, newborn to about kindergarten, but I don't want to be a teacher (typical, I know) and I don't really want to work in a daycare. I've even thought about being a pediatric nurse or neonatal nurse but I don't know if I could really handle seeing little cute sick kids all day everyday. I'm a senior in high school and I feel like time is ticking!! Please help me figure out my career path! If you have any ideas on careers, what could I major in order to get that career? #college #career #nurse #social-work #working-with-children #working-with-kids

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