Career questions tagged film

Careers within the film industry aren't just limited to an actor. Behind the scenes, successful careers include writer, director, editor, and many more involved in a film crew. For more information, please read below. Read more Show less
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Dara553 views

How do I get started in the film industry?

I am a Sophomore at DePaul University studying film. I'm still deciding what i want my concentration to be, but I want to start working in the industry to better understand it and get some experience. I would love any advice on what the industry is like and what is the best way to get into the industry and move up in the industry; so I can work the job that I want when it comes time for that.

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Jamal634 views

How do I maximize my talent and share my "gift" with the world while also making enough money to be able to sustain myself and others?

Young 23 y/o artist self taught producer and engineer autodidact looking to grow as an artist

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Maya611 views

Should I major in film and minor in accounting? Or should I just minor in film and major in accounting? I'm even thinking about doing double major.

I'm a rising senior, so I still have time to pick between this. My passion is for film, but I'm also interested in finance/accounting. I plan on going to GSU - which I heard has a pretty good film program.

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Maya390 views

Where should I intern if I’m interested in film?

Where should I intern If I want to have a job in cinema. I live in a small town but would really want some background experience to help in college and to put on my resume.

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Joshua480 views

How do I find a talent agent and can I have one at my age 14?

I want to know how to find a talent agent and if I’m old enough to have one.

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Declan534 views

How do you get your first job on a film crew (likely as a PA) ?

I know it's hard to get there, but then most people say it snowballs to further jobs.

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addison445 views

where can i get the best film maker in college?

filming tips

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Damien370 views

How do I become a film writer. Such as someone who makes a comic book movie?

Some one who can create movies based off their own thoughts.

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Serena737 views

How can I make money with a communications degree?

I will start college in January 2025 as a junior because of my college credits (I’m a photography intern now at my community college). I originally applied to an art school to pursue filmmaking editing but was waitlisted so I decidedto pursue communications (media production) at another school was a close second. But I’m worried that I won’t make any money or won’t end up with atleast a job out of college. My dream job/goal is to edit aesthetic videos , I love cinematography but I am struggling to learn premier pro without a in person teacher and junior year is the year for internships. Should I stick with the communications major and see where it leads me, eventually learning how to edit on my own? Or Should I just major in finance for money and minor in photography on the side ? Any advice would help 🥲

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Pearl879 views

How to prepare for an art intern interview for an advertising agency company that works in various areas such as film, animation, and mobile apps?

Can anyone give me some steps and suggestions that would be helpful for the interview? I will be thankful for the advice.

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Walker505 views

What does a film director do?

How do I start building the skills needed to be a film director?

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Luke912 views

How to keep coming up with ideas for a sitcom series? #Spring 2024

I am 16 and writing a TV sitcom to make on my high school stage with sets, costumes, makeup and the lot. I am also the lead actor, the director and producing it. I have 21 episode ideas, the first two fully scripted. What is the best way to keep the creative juices flowing with a hectic high school schedule, and get more episode ideas.

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Luke593 views

How can teenagers realistically portray adults when acting? #Sping2024

I am a 16 year old interested in making my career in film acting, directing, writing, and producing. I am creating a TV sitcom set in 1950s New York. All of my actors will be high schoolers, who will be portraying adults. How can I sell the idea to distributors such as Tubi, even though adult characters are being played by teens.

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Luke438 views

How can I get funding for a high school student run TV show? #Spring2024

I am a 16 year old making a TV sitcom set in the early 1950s. Our theatre department, which I am involved in, has costumes and props, but I need money to build the sets. How should a high schooler get funding for such a big project?

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Shira693 views

What jobs are best for people (me) who want to deal with all the technology and behind the scenes of film/tv?

I am going to college for film/tv/digital media production and was wondering what are all the jobs I can get out of it that are super technical and less screenwriting and such. #Spring24

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G645 views

where should i start to get into the film industry?

please help

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Nicole371 views

What does it take to be in the film industry?

I've been told by my film teachers that it's about networking and how much you get along with everyone on set. I'd like to know if there are any other obstacles.

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Zoe639 views

What are some ways/tips or what general direction should I take in order to pursue a film career?

I'm currently a sophmore in highschool and I've been interested in taking film as my major in college. Firstly is it worth it to pursue this path or this particular major (as college is quite expensive) and also what are some ways to find employment after college? Also for some more context I already have a fairly entry level grasp on film basics via my school production studio (EX: Camera, Mic use, editing, filming, and some studio work/directing).

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Simphiwe565 views

what do I need to know I want to be a film director?

I am currently in grade 8 I want know what subjects I need to take in grade 10 . I also want to know what I should study in university I

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Miles553 views

How movie?

How do directors land jobs in the film industry? Additional I was curious on how directors reach out to actors to star in their films. Do they have connections?

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Halle549 views

What are some tips to get into the film industry for someone who is still in college?

I am a film major in my 2nd semester of college I want to be a creative director for film. I have little connections and I need some tips for success.

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Davise470 views

What is the best way to promote a telent as a future artist?

What is the best way to promote a talent as a future artist? Who is willing to become a film actor or actors singer

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Sophia529 views

What is the main goal of an Film and Video Editor?

What is the main goal and purpose of a Film and Video Editor?

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Sophia360 views

Do Producers and Directors work with Video and Film Editors?

Is becoming a FIlm & Video Editors hard to become in the future?

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Keira611 views

How a film director can collaborate with a worldwide film directors, and make new film's with together, and how they can find a producer for their future project's Expecting film directors to collaborate.?

How a film director can collaborate with a worldwide film directors, and make new film's with together, and how they can find a producer for their future project's? Expecting film directors to collaborate.

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Georgia1078 views

How often do you work on creating a Movie, Musical, Play or Tv Show? Late Nights, Early Mornings? How much money does it take and how much do you make based off of when people see the movies?

I'm looking for answers for a Career Project. Any and all answers are great. Thanks so much!

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Sourav751 views

How a film director can collaborate with a worldwide film directors, and make new film's with together, and how they can find a producer for their future project's?

Expecting film directors to collaborate.

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Georgia761 views

What is Cinematography and how is it to be a Flim Director?

I am interested in speaking to a Film, TV Show, or Musical Director. What is your job like and how can you tell me more about it?

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Avila1091 views

What's your opinion on The Los Angeles Film School?

I'm trying to decide where to study film to be a screenwriter and/or director. Is LA Film a good choice? Any better ones?

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AMYT858 views

Is college necessary for film?

if i want to dip my toe in this industry, do i need to go to college for film?

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