Career questions tagged movie

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Georgia1078 views

How often do you work on creating a Movie, Musical, Play or Tv Show? Late Nights, Early Mornings? How much money does it take and how much do you make based off of when people see the movies?

I'm looking for answers for a Career Project. Any and all answers are great. Thanks so much!

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Orion465 views

What is the best lighting options for stopmotion?

I have done a few stop motion projects, but I can never seem to find the sweet spot when it comes to lighting, and I'm looking to improve and see what I can do to give them the "realistic" look, without taking away all shadows. Any advice on what would be the best?

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Orion366 views

As I'm slowly learning more about film, what is the best camera I should save up for?

As I stated in my last question I currently record everything on an Iphone Xr, after reading all the responses I decided that I'm gonna save up my money and buy a good camera the only question is what camera should I get, I've heard really good things about Cannon, But I'm still not sure which one would be the best for me.

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Orion407 views

Do I need an expensive camera to make it in film?

I currently use an iPhone Xr as my camera to record with, I'm currently wondering whether or not I need to save up all my money and invest in something expensive, or if a Phone camera will work.

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Voc377 views

How can I speak well during my act?

#movie acting

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Voc435 views

Do I have to go to collage to be a film director?

#movie #film

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Teriyana1104 views

I plan on writing my first screeplay in 2022. However, I'm not sure whether to write a tv or movie script for my first screenplay?

I have many ideas that could be either a tv script or a movie script. However, just curious, what does the entertainment/film industry value more? TV or Movie Screenplays? I am struggling on my decision. I plan to use the script to submit to writing competitions and apply to grad film school. I would really appreciate some feedback on this matter. Thank you. #movie #film #acting #college #writing #tv #screenplay #script #writer #moviescript #tvscript #teleplay #entertainment #filmindustry

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Diana407 views

How much do I need to learn about the film industry?

Who do I learn from #movie

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Teriyana706 views

Are there any nonprofit organizations that help you produce a short film, feature film, or documentary?

I am considering going back to school to achieve my masters in drama therapy and/or MFT. In the meantime, I would like to get some experience with film making/screenwriting and possibly get help funding the project. Any resources, nonprofits, or anything that you can recommend? #film #filmmaking #television #actors #film-acting #shortfilm #movie #filmschool #movieproducer #moviedirector

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kyle724 views

How do i set my goal on here?

my name is kyle i dream job is i want to be a cop and a movie editor #police #cop #law-enforcement #criminal-justice #police-officer #movie #movie-editor #film

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Grayson463 views

Is producing a movie fun?

#producer #movie

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Grayson509 views

How long does it normally take to produce a movie?

#producer #movie

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Grayson453 views

How do you sign on for a movie?

#producer #movie #film

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Tyler965 views

How do I choose between two careers?

I'm a community college student, who will be transferring soon. I have wanted to make movies ever since I was a small child. It's the only thing I have ever been good at. I make short films in my free time with my friends, I go to the movies twice a week. I analyze the box office, and the careers of directors and producers. Its the only thing I have ever loved. Cut to my freshman year of community college, and I took a tort law class. Im not gonna lie, I love it. Nowhere near as much as I love movies...But I do like Law. Im good at law. I have gotten straight As in all law classes, and spoke with my Contract Law teacher who thought I should end up in law school, and it got me thinking. Im now torn becuase a career in law is stable. Its interesting. Im really good at it. But a career in filmmaking is all I've ever wanted. Its my passion. Its my dream. How do I pick between my passion and what I'm good at? I also don't know If I will be able to afford law school, due to the fact that Im having trouble affording undergrad. Im really torn. I come from a very poor family, and dont want to end up poor and miserable later in life. I want to make the right decision. In a perfect world, I would be able to do both... #college #lawyer #film #Movie #Law #Director #Producer #Cinema #law-school

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Jonathan650 views

What is a regular day like for a television company employee

I want to go to VCUarts and do the cinema program to hopefully work for a television or movie company. #career #television #movie

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Bella856 views

Is it possible to be behind the camera and in front as well?

I love acting, but I also have a big interest in filmmaking. What I'm wondering is if I pursue filmmaking, will that ever put me in a position to act? Or is it just one or the other? I know both are a hard place to get into, and I wouldn't mind some advice for that as well. #acting #voice-acting #performing-arts #film #movie #film-making #film-acting #motion-pictures-and-film

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Halea1020 views

What are the best times to look for auditions?

On Broadway or for a movie in general #acting #dance #broadway #movie

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Andres1307 views

How can i get started as a filmmaker in my community

I don't plan on going to film school so I want to gain on the job experience and start now as a 16 year old. #film #director #video #movie #audio

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Peyton1297 views

What are the best colleges for acting and directing movies?

Hi my name is Peyton and I really want to be a director I love to tell stories!!! #acting #director #movie

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Jeremy1281 views

How long do you have to be in school to be a film maker?

Hi my name is Jeremy. I would be interested in becoming a movie director. I think that directing movies would be very interesting and I like movies. #theater #film-acting #actors #films #directing #movie

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