What are the best colleges for acting and directing movies?
Hi my name is Peyton and I really want to be a director I love to tell stories!!! #acting #director #movie
2 answers
Nicole’s Answer
There are lots of great schools for Acting & Directing -- but the programs aren't always in the same department. That doesn't mean you won't be able to take classes in both, but often scheduling can be tricky.
The responder above has provided you with a way to research different schools -- you may have a preference on a particular area of the country, state schools, private schools, etc.
Many of the UC schools have great programs, Emerson College is excellent, NYC schools also boast many celebrity teachers. These schools are highly competitive, and look for strong academics as well as artistic talents.

Daniela Silva
Daniela’s Answer
Hi Peyton,
In this link you can have the ranking with the 10 Top Schools for Acting and Directing degrees:
Good Luck!