Career questions tagged director

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CareerVillage Office Hours484 views

How to become a Director?

Share your journey & guide aspiring Directors on their path! Note: We've seen a lot of interest in this career, so we're looking for guidance from our community of professionals.

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Damien370 views

How do I become a film writer. Such as someone who makes a comic book movie?

Some one who can create movies based off their own thoughts.

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Walker505 views

What does a film director do?

How do I start building the skills needed to be a film director?

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Luke912 views

How to keep coming up with ideas for a sitcom series? #Spring 2024

I am 16 and writing a TV sitcom to make on my high school stage with sets, costumes, makeup and the lot. I am also the lead actor, the director and producing it. I have 21 episode ideas, the first two fully scripted. What is the best way to keep the creative juices flowing with a hectic high school schedule, and get more episode ideas.

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G645 views

where should i start to get into the film industry?

please help

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Simphiwe565 views

what do I need to know I want to be a film director?

I am currently in grade 8 I want know what subjects I need to take in grade 10 . I also want to know what I should study in university I

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Sophia360 views

Do Producers and Directors work with Video and Film Editors?

Is becoming a FIlm & Video Editors hard to become in the future?

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Sourav751 views

How a film director can collaborate with a worldwide film directors, and make new film's with together, and how they can find a producer for their future project's?

Expecting film directors to collaborate.

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Georgia761 views

What is Cinematography and how is it to be a Flim Director?

I am interested in speaking to a Film, TV Show, or Musical Director. What is your job like and how can you tell me more about it?

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Avila1091 views

What's your opinion on The Los Angeles Film School?

I'm trying to decide where to study film to be a screenwriter and/or director. Is LA Film a good choice? Any better ones?

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Legacie696 views

Best film Career?

What is the best career for film and production

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John862 views

BA vs BFA?

I'm looking at the USC SCA website currently and I noticed that there is a bachelor of arts in film production and then there is a bachelor of fine arts in film production. Can anyone explain the difference?

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Wyatt489 views

How do I hire people (actors, set directors, costume artists, musical score orchestras) for my movie-production company ?

How do I hire people (actors, set directors, costume artists, musical score orchestras) for my movie-production company?

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John640 views

Industry vs Freelancing vs Indie directing?

Is freelancing the same as Indie directing? What separates these three? What are some pros and cons of all three? How do I succeed in each? And how do I switch from one to the other, such as switching from Industry directing to Freelancing? Will I have more control over the movie if I choose to freelance? Google has not helped me one bit.

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Kaylee880 views

How much do Film Makers tend to make?

How much do Film Makers tend to make?

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John526 views

Double concentration?

I want to go to the L.A. Film School and major in Film Production but I would want to have my concentration on either Directing or Cinematography. Is there any way I could have my concentration on both?

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John1792 views

Is it true that nearly 65% of all film directors only make 1 film in their whole life??

I recently read this statistic and it has shocked me. Am I doomed to only put one art piece into this world? The expectation for becoming a director is fame but still. I mean I want to make many movies and the idea of only being able to make one sounds completely hope-crushing. On the other end of the spectrum, I read that there is one director who made 150 movies and another who made 15 in one year. Obviously, this doesn't indicate quality but if someone can make 15 movies in one year, then it gives me some level of hope. Input?

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John679 views

How can I make good movies without them taking me years?

My interest in filmmaking started with Quentin Tarantino. He is a genius and I love his movies, but his career has also scared me in a way. He has only made 10 movies and he has been making films for decades. His movie reservoir dogs only took like three weeks to write and yet it took three years for the movie to be made start to finish. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't want to spend years on one project. I want to make lots of movies and the idea of spending years of my life for one movie just terrifies me. Any advice to sort of calm these nervous thoughts?

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John499 views

Need multiple opinions as this is really stressing me out. Input?

I recently considered getting into film production by attending the LA Film School and becoming a Director. I would probably be one of those directors who writes my movies and does the cinematography, but I have one issue: the idea of doing just one thing terrifies me. I would love to be a director but also want to do other things. Maybe be a musical artist or producer or something else and I just don't know what. I love physics and philosophy and geopolitics but I don't want to be a professor or something. I also don't want to just be a director and would likely end up being a generalist of sorts. I am also worried that if I go to school for film then I won't be able to pursue other things. Input?

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madd831 views

what things do i need to succeed in film ?

what things do i need to succeed in film or majoring in film ?

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Morgan503 views

How do you start your own film company?

What are the steps to becoming a movie/film director? Where do I go with my ideas?

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Isaac1518 views

How do I become a film director?

Hi my name is Isaac, Iโ€™m 13 years old in 7th grade. The question Iโ€™m asking is how to be a film director, how did you earn to be one and what are the challenges in college to get the job?

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Stella662 views

What jobs have you gotten as an art director?

How hard is it to find a job as an art director? Also what companies have you worked for if you are an art director?

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Mariya340 views

Could you provide your perspective on the satisfaction and enjoyment you derive from your filmmaking career, the value of studying filmmaking as a viable path, and the scope of job opportunities within the industry?

Reflecting on your career in filmmaking, do you find it fulfilling and enjoyable? Considering the investment of time and resources required to study filmmaking, do you believe it's a worthwhile path for aspiring filmmakers? Additionally, could you share your insights on the current job market and the range of job opportunities available for individuals with a background in filmmaking?

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dylan671 views

how do I stand out if I want to go to film school?

hi I'm a freshman in high school and when I'm older r I want to be a director.what should I do to help me become prepared and to stand out to the film school I want to go to, and how do I find out if this is really what I want to do.

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Isaiah422 views

Do I have to stick to just one thing?

I know that I want to go into the entertainment industry but Iโ€™m not sure if I want to animate, direct, or act. Is it possible to do all three and still be successful? Also if I canโ€™t but Iโ€™m also not sure which I want to stick with, what should I do when selecting my major?

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Lilliana347 views

What is the biggest thing I need to consider in my options?

Iโ€™m making a group YouTube channel with friends and Iโ€™m directing animated and real life videos, Iโ€™m also a screenwriter, manager, etcโ€ฆ what should I do to move forward in the industry?

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Lilliana382 views

What can I do to get more experience in film?

How do I get into the field of film making without any experience? And what can I do to get experience?

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hannah422 views

Hi!What would you suggest if you wanted to get started on a film career (whether that be on the screen or production team), as a teenager in high school? Thank you!?

I am also wondering which colleges would you recommend and what i should have on my resume to be considered. Also, how to immerse myself in film within my community.

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How do I start my directing career?

What are some ways you can build credibility as a new director in film? Is getting a major in film needed to be a successful director?

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