Career questions tagged artist

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Autumn513 views

How do I start computer design?

How do I start computer design?

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maggie766 views

Would I be able to job shadow a tattoo artist?

Hi my names Maggie and I'm looking forward to job shadowing the Feb ,13th!!! Any reason why I wouldn't be able to job shadow a tattoo artist?

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Olubunmi609 views

What should I do I have passion for art, I am also good at sketching styles that, appart from drawing, painting and all. Now, I was thinking of studying business administration in university, is it possible? Can the two be merged, or should I just go for fine art and leave business administration # coding, business administrator and an artist #professionls with experience?

What should I do? I have passion for art, I am also good at sketching styles that, appart from drawing, painting and all. Now, I was thinking of studying business administration in university, is it possible? Can the two be merged, or should I just go for fine art and leave business administration # coding, business administrator and an artist #professionls with experience

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Nathan529 views

What is the options to start a career in art field?

I like drawing and painting, I do it on my spare time.

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zoraya756 views

How do I enter the entertainment industry through hard work and talent?

I want to become a director of some sort of entertainment media but I often get the sense that to even get an opportunity you have to be well connected to powerful or influential people. I know talent isn't always the most important factor to getting noticed, but, is there a way to become a leader in the entertainment industry through self made opportunities? If so, what are the most effective steps to take?

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ming1281 views

What are the pressures for this type of job?

What are the pressures for this type of job? On a typical day in this position, what do you do? What skills are essential for success in your position? How do you create motivation for yourself?

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Hailee556 views

what is it like to be an animator and what are some good schools to go to for being an animator

what is it like to be an animator? what are some good schools to go to for being an animator? what do you have to do to become an animator? I'm a good dolor and want to put my talents to good use

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Charles646 views

I want to an artist, what is a good pathway to start following my dream profession?

I am in High School and I want to a an artist, I like drawing and I am good at it. How can I start a path to be a future artist?

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Genesis1625 views

where can I find a low -paying summer internship for beginner fashion designers?

Where can I find low-paying summer internships for beginner fashion designers in Houston, Texas, that will help me learn all aspects of fashion design? am in 9th grade and am trying to pursue my career in fashion designer

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Mercedes420 views

Special Effects Artists & Animators: what are common workplaces? Is your job stressful? What is your favorite part about your job?

I am exploring career paths and this piqued my interest. I was wondering where you have worked or currently work, what you do, whether it is stressful, and your favorite part of the job.

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Dennis594 views

what are favorite classes to study an art?

I like to more about art

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Declan517 views

How do I achieve career in arts?

I love more to know about art and craft

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Excellence375 views

Where should I go to college and set up my life as a concept artist ?

I know somewhere like LA or New York may have the best opportunities to make it as an artist, but not only are they expensive, they are crowded, smoggy, has pretty sparse nature, and overall not what I'm used to as a Texas resident in a small town. Are there any less crowded more nature filled areas that also have a lot of artists and animators to network with and ideally a reputable college for artists nearby.

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Wesley672 views

What are the requirement to study for art course?

mostly I love art

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william452 views

how do i make a career out of drawing?

i like to draw

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Excellence781 views

Where should I start in pursuing Illustration/Cartooning/Art in Texas?

Hello, I am a sophomore in high school. I want to be an 2D Animator or Illustrator when I grow up, however I live in Texas with the rest of my immediate family. There are not many opportunities I have found for colleges and job opportunities relating to 2D Animation or Illustration in Texas. I really want the college I attend to have a drawing heavy art major instead of a painting heavy art major, but I can’t find a college in or near Texas that provides that. Can you guys help me?

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Bowen533 views

What careers could be a good fit for someone who is an artist?

What are some fit jobs for an artist to work in or possibly make it my career

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James329 views

what can I do if I want to be successful in the movie industry?

what can I do if I want to be successful in the movie industry?

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angel864 views

Seeking Scholarships for Creative Writing or Drawing?

Hi everyone, I’m an undergraduate student looking for scholarships specifically for creative writing or drawing. If you know of any opportunities, competitions, or grants that support these fields, I’d really appreciate your recommendations! Thank you in advance for your help!

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CareerVillage Office Hours807 views

What is the best way to get connected to a record label?

I really need advice for a music career. I need to know how to get the best chance for a record label. *Note: This question was submitted anonymously by a student.

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Natalie787 views

How can I get paid to be a Dj?

Hello all, I'm currently a full-time college student enrolled in a Music Production Technology program at San Diego City College (former Art Institute student) and have been creating, writing and producing music since 2018. I have recently become interested in pursuing becoming a DJ for financial reasons and am looking for any advice on how to start getting paid and hired for gigs at bars, clubs and festivals underground or not. I'm excited but nervous about the career path and looking for direction. Thanks!

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ENOCK805 views

how do i manage my love for art with business management?

i love drawing and art in general

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Pearl1252 views

Question for Artists: How much time did it take you to learn art before creating your first portfolio for Art/Character Design/Visual Development?

I mean, I want to understand this because sometimes it feels like my learning process is taking forever. Other times, I feel like I need to learn a few more skills before creating or showcasing a portfolio. I'm a bit confused right now, and I would be really grateful for any advice you could share.

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Lu'Chana302 views

What job opportunities are sufficient and efficient for a PhD student writing a dissertation, about to take a comprehensive exam, and currently working as a high school/college art teacher wanting to leave the education system with a museum studies background?

Jobs about urban history, museums, and the arts.

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Palmer536 views

How much does art pay ?

More information about the payments

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Alaina701 views

My parents won't let me do anything with K-POP and I LOVE it, I want to be a K-POP dancer/singer, etc. I don't know what to do how should OI get them to let me do this?

What is the best thing for me to do/say for them to be alright with me liking and wanting to do K-POP.

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Khalil803 views

I have a bachelor's in fine arts with a concentration of animation. How do I find a job in animation or 3d modeling ?

I have 4 years of experience in animation, 3D modeling, graphic design, and motion graphics.

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Ariel1758 views

I am a beginner that wants to know how to find a professional tattoo artist out there that would like to mentor me?

I am looking for some one to mentor me in being a tattoo artist I am a beginner I can draw somewhat but the fact is that i would appreciate it greatly if someone would help me along my journey to success

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Pearl1574 views

Should I pursue a New Highschool?

The high school i'm currently assigned to has none of the art electives I'm looking for to become a producer for my own show (see my description for my future careers). Any High school ideas I should look at? I'm in 8th grade right now. I live in Hawaii.

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Isaiah695 views

How much does a music producer get paid on average What challenges come with being an artist? What qualities should I have if I want to be an architect?

How much does a music producer get paid on average? What challenges come with being an artist? What qualities should I have if I want to be an architect?

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