Career questions tagged interior-design

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Camari344 views

How do I find jobs/internships in my preferred career path (interior design), ? What class should I take in college to go along with interior design being my major? Why is this a good long term career choice?

9th grade I was in Principles of Architecture, 10th- Graphic Design, and 11th/12th- Interior Design 1 & 2. I have the knowledge, but getting the experience hasn’t been easy.

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Ruchi1170 views

How to choose between music or design major?

I am a 10th grader from CBSE board, i have great inclination towards music and i am also interested in designing as my artistic side is also good.I am so confused to choose music or design as my major in further studies.I have done 5 levels of indian classical music diploma from my native institute.

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Meagan748 views

What do employers look for in interior design?

Hi! I’m almost a junior in high school and am wondering where I should start if I want a career in interior design. Do I need a college degree? An internship? A graphic design class? How can I set myself up for a well-paying job? #spring24

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Anita502 views

What is the important things you need to know about interior designing?

Where should you begin?

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tabby981 views

How to find Interior Design Jobs (Apprenticeship)?

Ive been studying Interior design and Arcitercture for a short time in college and Im wondering how would someone get into getting your hands dirty physically into the interior design world. Ive create some really nice mood boards and want them to come to life. It's been hard to find jobs when you're only in community college. However, since Im an artist I venture into different hobbies of mine and I get caught up and lose track of what I really want to do. I want to be a professional Interior designer and get my A.A.S and then my B.F.A but I want to be an assistant or something. Please help me out here. Thanks for reading.

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Danina458 views

Can I get an interior designer to answer these 10 questions for me?

1. Can you tell me about the types of tasks you are responsible for on a day-to-day basis? 2. What do you enjoy most about your career? 3. What is most challenging about your career? 4. What are some skills and personality traits necessary to perform your job? 5. What are some misconceptions about your career? 6. What inspired you to join this career field? 7. For you what is the work environment like? 8. What would you recommend to someone who wants to join this career field? 9. Do you get along with your coworkers? 10. What is your work schedule like?

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Stephanie810 views

What is the most challenging part of being an interior designer?

What is the most difficult part of being an interior designer?

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Miracle595 views

What do I need to be a good designer?

I've studied online courses on designing but I feel like it is not enough

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Stephanie497 views

Why did you choose interior design as a career?

Need help for a project

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Emaille392 views

I'm currently a freshman in college majoring in Marketing with a minor in Design. I might also double major or minor in Real Estate. My school doesn't offer an Interior Design major - what would be the best majors for someone interested in pursuing a career in interior design?

Can I go for it?

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Abbey876 views

What would be the best majors for someone interested in pursuing a career in interior design ?

I'm currently a freshman in college majoring in Marketing with a minor in Design. I might also double major or minor in Real Estate. My school doesn't offer an Interior Design major - what would be the best majors for someone interested in pursuing a career in interior design?

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Tantat508 views

I'm looking for interior design career in Denver, CO. Please advise.

Hi, I'm interior designer from Thailand. I'm looking for interior designer career in Denver, CO, USA. I'm keep looking for the job 6 months already. There was some interviews but still not get the job yet. I have 5 years experience work from Thailand. Now I live in Denver, CO. I'm interest in interior designer career, whatever position. I really need any advise how can I get the job. Thank you. - Can anyone give me some advise? - Do I need to get certificate for the job? (I'm interesting in Arapahoe College. Anyone has any opinion to share?) - Can anyone advise me Resume, CV, Cover Letter, Portfolio Guild line

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Finelly326 views

What should I incorporate to properly make a portfolio for architecture?

I want to go to Cornell and ive talked to some students and teachers and understand the grades required, but I dont understand what could be the first steps to making a portfolio.

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Christian Paul825 views

can i study bs interior design in college if i take stem in shs?


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Emily690 views

What job should i pursue?

I am unsure of what i want to do when im older, i have ideas such as being a pilot, lawyer, interior designer or something to do with marketing. I just don’t know what is best for me. I enjoy writing, researching, designing, crafting, and traveling. what should i do?

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adriel840 views

what are tips for architectural design?

design tips

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Haylee776 views

What career would be best for me?

I am currently interested in three careers: Business, Architecture, and Art. I want to be an entrepreneur and start my own type of small business. But I would like to be able to design and build buildings and the inside of them. And I would also want to be able to enjoy a hobby that relaxes me which is art. I'm more into painting, sculpting, and designing. I'm not sure which careers to pick and which I would like the best.

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Ella1638 views

What other interior designs are there if you just want to decorate homes more than building them?

I am in 10th grade and I want to go into the design but want more of the decorating homes not more so building and all of the measuring. What kind of design should I go for?

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Ella897 views

what should I take as a high school student to get into the design field?

I'm in tenth grade and I want to be an interior designer if I'm not great a math would it be hard? I do help my dad most of the time with his reno houses so I have some experience.

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Alondra581 views

How I can start working with interior designers?

I am in the 10th grade in high school. I wanted to see what I can do to get into interior design. How I can start working with interior designers. The reason why I ask this is because it’s my passion

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Arianna818 views

How can I enhance my motivational skills to become a successful interior designer?

I'm in the 8th grade and I would like to learn how to prepare myself to see if being an Interior designer is a career I would be interested in for my future.

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Arianna859 views

Do you have any advice for me to become more responsible to become a successful interior designer?

I'm in the 8th grade and I would like to learn how to prepare myself to see if being an Interior designer is a career I would be interested in for my future.

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Arianna388 views

Do you have any advice on how I can enhance my confidence skills to be more equipped to become an interior designer?

I'm in the 8th grade and I would like to learn how to prepare myself to see if being an Interior designer is a career I would be interested in for my future.

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Hannah1293 views

What is the starting salary for interior designing?

I am a sophomore in high school, I want to enjoy my job and have it be fun, and I don't really want it to be an anxiety causer for me.

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Hannah804 views

What high school classes will help me to be prepared for being an interior designer?

I am a sophomore in high school, I want to enjoy my job and have it be fun, and I don't really want it to be an anxiety causer for me.

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Hannah566 views

How many hours a week did you start out with ? (interior design))

I am a sophomore in high school, I want to enjoy my job and have it be fun, and I don't really want it to be an anxiety causer for me.

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Hannah755 views

Is interior design a low or high stress job?

I am a sophomore in high school, I want to enjoy my job and have it be fun, and I don't really want it to be an anxiety causer for me.

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Hannah836 views

What college is best for interior design?

I am a sophomore in high school and I would like to pursue this career later in life and i would like to be prepared for it.

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Chloe586 views

What is the biggest role for an interior designer?

why are they important

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Chloe568 views

How many jobs are their for interior designers? What tasks are they responsible for?

What jobs are needed, and what tasks are done

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