Career questions tagged marketing-and-advertising

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shamaim257 views

I want to work with an advertising agency. What strategy should I use to achieve my goal?

I want to work as an advertising specialist, Grow myself with comprehensive knowledge of this domain. I am self-motivated and eager to learn new things. I want t work in an agency where I can grow both personally and professionally.

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Alejandro864 views

How will I find music connections towards managers

looking for a music manager who isn't selfish, looking to build a team

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Shaina635 views

How do you balance multiple internships ? How do you clarify to your boss as well that I have a time boundary?

I got two marketing internships and planned to accept the tech one as well just so I could compensate for my studies. Do you have a notion template to record your internship?

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Esther218 views

How can I choose my carry?

How can I choose my carrier?

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Kynnadi321 views

What is the starting pay?

starting pay

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kale772 views

how long did/does it take to land a job in PR and marketing?

what types of tasks do you do day to day in those jobs?

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Alisa488 views

How can I find a proper school/life balance and improve the areas where I am lacking?

I am currently a 2nd-year student at CUNY Baruch College studying Marketing. I am still unsure if I picked the right major but some aspects interest me. I desire to improve my communication skills and time management because I have been struggling and I want a clearer sense of direction.

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Steven557 views

What are the admission requirements for SJSU?

Admission Requirements for SJSU

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Samiyah504 views

How to become a successful marketer in the future in 16 and wanna get a head start in any marketing industry ?

Any marketing job is fine I just love promoting things and sharing information about products and get sales etc ..

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Brandon405 views

Has a career in marketing allowed you work in a variety of fields and industries If so, how similar or different was it to work in each field? #Spring24

As a high school senior finishing high school, and heading into college to study Business marketing, I’m curious about how versatile marketing can be.

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Amy931 views

What are some entry-level marketing internships I should apply for? Which companies are currently recruiting?

I am located in San Francisco/ San Jose Bay Area

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Amy727 views

Is a minor in Information Systems or Data Science better?

I am currently pursuing a Business Administration degree and am interested in marketing, social media, and design, but I also want to minor in something that will allow me to gain more skills and job opportunities. Should I major in information systems/ data science with a minor in marketing or the other way around? Which will allow me to have access to a bigger range of jobs that are in demand.

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noel712 views

what is the bst marketing stratey?

marketing tips

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Emily689 views

What job should i pursue?

I am unsure of what i want to do when im older, i have ideas such as being a pilot, lawyer, interior designer or something to do with marketing. I just don’t know what is best for me. I enjoy writing, researching, designing, crafting, and traveling. what should i do?

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Eric494 views

What can I do to attract customers when I open a shop?

Do I need a bigger sign, a bigger shop?

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genesis845 views

What is the best paying job in sales?

What is the best paying job in sales? And whats the process like?

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Adrian578 views

Does a Marketing Manager have to be responsible all the time, including when they have a break?

I am in 8th grade, and I am 13 years old. I want to go to a good baseball school because I play baseball.

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Adrian458 views

Should a Marketing Manager be sarcastic with co workers while in the middle of working?

I am in 8th grade. My favorite classes are P.E. and College and Career. I want to go to a good baseball school because I like baseball.

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Irie726 views

How will being responsible help me in the workplace as a marketing specialist?

I am an 8th grader who is searching for what career I want to pursue when I get older. Specifically, I'm interested in the marketing field and real estate.

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Carlos1323 views

Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence?

Hello im a beginer copywriter and I would like to know Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence? Thanks, God bless

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Cassia783 views

Which classes should I take to prepare myself for a Marketing Degree?

Hello! I'm a 15-year-old student in Belgium in 4th secondary, equivalent to 10th grade in the US. Next year in Belgium, we can customize our schedule. However, I've been having some trouble deciding. I want to pursue a marketing degree. The careers I'm most interested in are Marketing Manager, Advertising and Promotions Manager, and Market Analyst. We have multiple schedule combinations to choose from, and I would appreciate some advice on what to choose to best prepare for a marketing course in university and a job in that field. Whatever I choose, I will have 5h of French, 2h of History, 2h of Geography, 4h of English, 2h of Philosophy, and 2h of PE. The first option is called "Sciences", but I doubt that that would be good for me. It includes 6h of Math, 1h each of Lab and Computer Lab, and 2h each of Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. In the other two options, I will have no Lab and only one hour of each science. The second option is "languages", it includes 4h of German and 4h of Spanish. We can then choose to have either 2h or 4h of Math. If we choose 4h of math, we can then choose to add either 2h of Art or 2h of Psychology/Communication. However, if we choose 2h of Math, we add on an hour of Computer Lab and have the extra choice (along with the two aforementioned electives) of 3h of International Relations. The last choice is called "Mix", and it includes 4h of German and 4h of Math. This option has a lot of freedom around the extra electives. We can choose between: 2h of Art and 2h of Psyc/Communications 2h of Spanish and 2h of International Relations 3h of News and 2h of Psyc/Communications 3h of News and 2h of Art 3h of News and 3h of International Relations I think the most major decision in my opinion is 2h or 4h of Math. In marketing, is math an extreme part of it? Math is very important for it, but is it essential to do more math earlier in life to take that path? There are also differences in what is taught in 2h and 4h of Math. It hasn't been explicitly explained by my school, but the khan academy courses for the different options are rather specific. 2h of math includes three chapters: Statistics (Side note: advanced, we've been doing statistics already.), then Sequences (not sure if that's correctly translated), then Growth Models. Here's the link to the course. 4h of math includes Statistics, Sequences, Trigonometry (Also advanced), Limits, Function Combinations, Derivatives of Functions, Graphed Derivatives, and Application of derivatives. I'm not gonna go crazy in depth about the year after, but in 2h we focus on Probability, and in 4h we focus on more functions and primitives. There is also of course the choice of electives. In my unprofessional opinion, I assume that Psyc/Communication would be the best elective, but is there a better one? Would it be good to take Spanish? Would it be better to take News? This is the link to the form including all the possibilities, it is in French, however. To anyone who made it this far, thank you for reading and for any advice, it is greatly appreciated.

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Kayla896 views

What are the 4p’s of marketing?

Elements of Marketing

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Ava2315 views

Is a Business Major a good fit?

Hi, I am a junior in High school looking at graduating with an Associate's and hoping to nail down a major. I previously thought about psychology or creative writing but they don't feel like the right fit. I really enjoy writing and want to find a job I can be creative with. I also want a challenge, and something with a changing work pace that keeps me engaged. I was looking at creative directing but I know that is an end game career. What jobs would allow me to pitch ideas, work on projects, or allow me to make ideas into a reality? At the same time I am hoping those projects wouldn't be only numbers on a screen. With this in mind, would business fit? If so, any ideas? I am finding it hard to narrow down any careers. Thank you.

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Jaquan1119 views

I want to be a buisness marketer how should I start?

I’m in high school and I don’t know how or where to start

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Alexander908 views

Should I pursue a full time job in marketing or freelance to build an agency?

In my previous job at a large family fitness facility I was a marketing associate and customer experience manager, this meant I did everything from crafting marketing campaigns to fulfilling the services. Design the menu and work in the kitchen...I designed all banners, posters, merchandise, website, newsletter, print, menu graphics, website graphics and digital publications. I also managed operations, memberships, a cafe team, facilities, and digital marketing contractors. What guidance or skill set enhancements could further elevate my career? Considering my experience should I get a job OR find part time work and provide freelance marketing services such as social media management, design and publishing services to business owners?

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Riley628 views

How do expand my business as young black hairstylist?

Do I have to invest into thousands to become a known hairdresser? How do I gain my clients ? How do I promote myself? How do I get myself into feed and be known for hair

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Isabella365 views

How can I get started on my career?

I really want to pursue design marketing.

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Javier467 views

How do I apply marketing knowledge to promote my music?

How to take advantage of having marketing knowledge to promote my music on social networks and other options

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Brianna1110 views

What is the best way to market a business that you are first starting?

starting a business, low budget

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Jack493 views

How do I advertise my games once I have made them?

I have no other information for this question.

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