Career questions tagged creative-writing

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Maya295 views

What are the best websites to use as a freelance creative writer?

Should I limit myself to a few websites or put my profile and portfolio? Are there different sites that are better for me as a creative writer rather than a technical writer?

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Maya424 views

How can I gain experience with freelance script and game writing and build a portfolio?

When I look at jobs on LinkedIn I see they usually require 2 years of experience. I would like to write part time and I’m curious about how to gain experience while I’m still at school.

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Layla629 views

How do I publish my first novel?

How do I know where to start and how to plan?

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neville616 views

which career choice is suitable for a creative?

love creative works

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Chetsada543 views

How do I make effective and engaging scripts?

Hello! I am a 2nd year Biomedical Engineering student, however, I am looking to start content creating and script-writing on the side. Any tips? Thanks #Spring24

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Andrea438 views

How can I better incorporate my photography with symbolism?

Im in 8th grade and have been taking photographs in a portfolio for a while, and I also like to write. But when I try to take pictures, I want to create a bigger meaning. How can I do that?

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Joshua395 views

Can I publish a Short Story or Novel at my age(14)? And can I make some money off of it?

I like to write short stories and I am now writing a book. Is it possible to produce and make money off of it? And can I even publish it at my age(14)?

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Dorothy441 views

How did you develop your writing style?

I'm going through imposter syndrome-- with writing. I feel like my writing in general has improved substantially since I first started taking it seriously, but I feel like it's not authentically me. What are some tips for young writers developing their writing style and voice? Thanks.

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Shemye454 views

How can you write a magazine article?

How best can a person write a magazine article?

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hayden478 views

how did you know what to write?

I'm stuck and dont know what to do

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Mhiz Benny468 views

I would love to explore writing on my own digitally but am feeling the need to go to college and get a degree,would that make a difference?


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Lex324 views

What do screenwriters do (their full job) ?

What do screenwriters do? Do they just write scripts or come up with the movie/ show idea and write for the script? Also who do they work with? Like directors, producers.

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Kieran835 views

How can I get started in freelance writing?

I'm a high school senior who is graduating high school who is looking to make money to help pay my college tuition and my only experience is writing essays for class

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Mhiz Benny745 views

I love writing and I really want to explore writing,how do I start ?

I love writing and I really want to explore writing,how do I start ?

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AMYT799 views

Where do you find work as a beginner editor?

i want to start editing, do people start off on craigslist and such?

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elizabeth836 views

Is being funny important in creative writing? If so, how? And how can I learn to be more funny with my writing?

Hello, I'm trying to be more creative and entertaining with my writing.

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Liana725 views

What career options are available for an English lover and creative writer?

I am currently in class 5 and looking for my dream career. I am a voracious reader, creative writer and public speaker. However, I do not have any desire to become an author. I would like some ideas for a career path for me. An important point to be noted is that the careers in question have to be stable jobs with decent salaries (A requirement of my parents)

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Mallory1359 views

What is an essay format that could make my writing sound more convincing ?

Please be specific on format.

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Carlos1324 views

Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence?

Hello im a beginer copywriter and I would like to know Which advice or advices could you give me to make my copy and writings flows better and with sequence? Thanks, God bless

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Sanya617 views

What should I do if I have two different passions I heard that to get into competitive colleges you needed to show a spike on your resume like a specific passion you pursued. The issue is I have two science/biology and creative writing. I have always wanted to go to NYU, or Vanderbilt but both of those are competitive schools and I’m not sure how to connect these two passions? ?

I want to do pre med in college

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Grace879 views

What is your best advice for getting more experience in the journalism world if I want to be a journalist or write for a magazine What are the best things I can do and focus on now to adequately prepare me for the future and make me a competitive job candidate??

I am a college sophomore looking for a summer internship. I've written for a few publications and have self-published a poetry book.

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Savion1019 views

What is good advice to become a writer?

Good steps to become a writer.

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Savion1185 views

What are the difficulties you have to go through to be a writer?

What should I do and what are the difficulties to become a write.

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Sara1487 views

What kind(s) of education is needed to be a writer and is it worth it?

I love to write but I don't know how far writing will get me as a career.

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Ava713 views

How do I become a screenwriter?

I am a junior in High school and trying to seriously narrow down possible career paths. I am planning on graduating with an AA degree and have multiple extra-circulars and leadership positions. Is a career in film a sustainable option? I love movies, and writing and want to find a creative job in the future. At the same time I want a job that I know can support me. I am willing to work long hours and I won't give up easily, but if the effort isn't worth the results then maybe I should look at other fields. What other jobs would allow me to be a creative writer without having to write full novels or news articles? I've looked online but with all the paths for writers it can be a little overwhelming.

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Lydia-kay596 views

Editing my first draft?

I have finished the first draft of my first book, and am almost done with the first draft of my second book. How can I get the necessary edits without all of the money?

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Dublyn476 views

what form of writing is the most successful currently?

to be more specific, like what genre and tropes do really well?

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Hanah630 views

How can I manage my time better so I can reach my goal of having a 4.0 this year while having extracurriculars and SAT preparations?

For context, I am taking 3 APs and an astronomy community college class. I am struggling the most with astronomy, physics, and math. I am also the Junior Officer for an aerospace organization at my school called Aerotech and I am a writer and editor for a club called ARRAS (Arts and Magazine Club). In addition to this, I am currently working on a research project and thinking of making a research club for my school and dabbling in music production (hopefully I can start producing music once I can effectively manage my time). In short, I have too much on my plate.

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Kim1661 views

How do I publish my first book as a high school student?

A sophomore in highschool interested in becoming an author but not knowing the first steps as to how?

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Shirley619 views

How would I go about being a writer?

I’m looking to be a writer. What would I have to do to be a great writer? When is the best time to try and publish something?

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