Career questions tagged stem

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM). Popular careers within these fields include aerospace engineer, animal scientists, financial manager, computer support specialist, and a lot more. Please read below to find other opportunities. Read more Show less
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Sarthak Dharmendra252 views

Can I work in the biotech/biomedical industry after graduating with a masters in electronics??

I am about to start my master's in electronics, but I have always been interested in biology as well. (Choosing engineering was a personal choice). Is there any way I can contribute to working in the biotech industry? Are electronic engineers needed? What fields should I be targeting? What should be my focus during my master's?

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Nicole376 views

How can I find internship in STEM ?

(remote or on-site)

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Alice491 views

What are the fundamental reasons why education is so crucial and indispensable in today's society, and how does it impact individuals, communities, and nations as a whole, considering its effects on personal growth, social mobility, economic development, innovation, critical thinking, problem-solving, civic engagement, and the overall well-being of a society.

Why is edit so important

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SNB575 views

Do I need a "spike" in my interests for college applications?

I see a lot of advice that students should have a spike in their applications to demonstrate interests and clear focus/passion. If they want to go into computer science they should do mainly computer science related classes and extracurriculars. I want to go into biomedical engineering so I am in engineering club, doctors without borders, and science honor society. However, I am also interested in public speaking so I do mock trial, TV production, and speech and debate, but I don't plan on pursuing that as my major in college. Will this negatively affect my college applications? If it does, what should I do from here?

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Jin521 views

What universities are good for biology (or STEM) majors?

Hello, I am a 17-year-old rising senior in high school and am looking to apply to colleges. I have a few colleges on my list but am hoping to add some more. I wish to major in biology and take on a career in STEM so am searching for colleges with a strong STEM program.

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Jin414 views

How can I find internships in STEM? (remote or on-site)

Hi, I am currently a rising senior in high school and wish to find an internship to do over the summer (and possibly into the school year). I wish to get an internship in STEM as I wish to pursue a future career in it. I am unsure where to look or how to obtain one.

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Jin445 views

What can high school students do to further reach career goals in STEM ?

I am a 17-year-old rising senior in high school and wish to pursue biology in the future. I did a Student-mentor DNA barcoding research in my sophomore year. I hope to get more experience in science but amn't sure where to be looking or what I should be doing.

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Sara367 views

What’s the best way to go about getting an internship as a high schooler?

I’m interested in biomedical engineering and medicine. Thank you!

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John276 views

What colleges would be best for me?

I need help deciding what colleges would be best for me based on the career path I am taking of cybersecurity. I may also do a computer science or business path.

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Sanaii340 views

Is there anyone who can help me start up a free online coding program for elementary school students?

I am a member of the organization LoveTech. LoveTech is a youth organization dedicated to uplifting and supporting everyone in STEM, no matter their age or gender. Members like myself are committed to helping our communities and making sure everyone achieves tech literacy, something that is more important than ever as life grows more technologically dependent day by day (A great example is ChatGPT!). I would be interested in hosting a free coding program online to make it more accessible for students. If this seems plausible, please fill out the form: I have reached out to a few libraries and schools but haven't gotten a response back yet, so if anyone would like to help out that would be great! I would also love to recruit some volunteers for the organization as it would be a big help!

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Sanaii282 views

what are good extracurriculars for bio or animal science major?

I am currently a rising junior, and I want to have more STEM-based extracurriculars. Any tips/advice?

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Kate239 views

How do I pursue internships while attending college?

I am planning on being a STEM major in college and want to ensure that I get real-life experience in my field while still attending college. How do I achieve this?

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Keira511 views

New start up in Science Field.

Hello all, I am a sophomore pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in biochemistry (Medicinal Chemistry), I'm exploring potential career paths within the scientific field. My current role as a certified nursing assistant has provided valuable clinical experience, but I'm now interested in identifying alternative science-focused professions that could align with my academic background and long-term professional goals. Could anyone please offer any insights or recommendations on how I might effectively leverage my CNA credential and biochemistry coursework to discover new science-related career options? I'm particularly interested in learning about emerging interdisciplinary roles at the intersection of healthcare, research, and technology that could complement my existing skillset. Any advice you can provide on conducting informational interviews, identifying relevant certifications or graduate programs, or strategically networking within the scientific community would be greatly appreciated as I continue mapping out my next steps. Thank you!

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Oghenemaro762 views

how do i improve myself and gain employment in the digital world?

im very interested in virtual reality

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Itzel526 views

what are your STEM career experiences?

Hi! Im really into math, physics, and computer science and its something I want to do when I'm older however I've never met someone in these fields besides teachers, so career wise I'm confused. Could some of you tell me about your careers and what you do? I want to see what would suit me.

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Danielle587 views

What should I expect working in STEM?

I just started Job Corps and need to know this answer for my career planning class.

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Huntington809 views

Have you experienced or witnessed discrimination in the STEM field?

We have a huge research project in our PBL class where we need to gather information on discrimination in STEM. If you or someone you know has faced discrimination in the STEM field please fill out this Google form. You can choose to stay anonymous.

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Sumedha330 views

What advice would you give to a high school student wanting to change career paths?

I am a rising 11th grader, who originally wanted to pursue aerospace engineering since elementary school. Due to this, I have taken high school courses that aligned with the STEM path, such as engineering design and physics. However, as I researched more I found out that there aren't many opportunities (non-US Citizen in Texas) for me. Recently, neuroscience has sparked an interest in me and I looked more into becoming a neurologist. I haven't taken chemistry or classes that relate to this field such as anatomy. I am currently in a dilemma choosing between aerospace and neuroscience, and do not know how to address this as I am approaching my last two years of high school.

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Nora230 views

How can female students be helped or encouraged so that they can pursue STEM courses?

Being a woman, i would love to be among the best to pursue STEM and prove to the world that it is possible. And this all comes along with passion and determination.

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Emily341 views

What advice would you give a highschooler interested in majoring in physics or a different stem field?

I'm a highschooler interested in stem but unsure what field to go in and what to do.

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Sadie226 views

What steps can I, a high school sophomore with a passion for physics and coding, take to prepare for a career at NASA?

I excel in my math and science classes and enjoy participating in robotics club and coding competitions.

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Jenny445 views

If STEM was just one of your interests in school, how did you balance your love for other "less stable" careers such as arts. How important is it to prioritise what will benefit your future than what will make you truly passionate?

I'm currently a year 12 student and will pursue a STEM career in neuroscience if my ATAR is sufficient. However, I also have many other interests involving the arts that I want to incorporate in my career but not sure how to :,)

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Jamie765 views

Have you witnessed or dealt with discrimination in STEM?

We have a huge research project in our class where we need to gather information about discrimination people have faced in STEM? Whether it was when you were a student or have a full- time carrer, have you faced discrimination?

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Huntington582 views

What kind of discrimination have you experienced or witnessed in the STEM field?

We have a huge research project in our class where we need to gather information about discrimination people have faced in STEM. Whether it was while you were still a student, or had a full-time career, have you witnessed or dealt with it?

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Arianna369 views

What discrimination have you dealt with well in the stem field?

Have you ever had to deal with discrimination because of your race or gender?

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Leni634 views

Looking for those who work in a field related to prosthetics/orthotics, biomedical engineering, or neuroscience to answer some interview questions for a school project?

Hi! I am a junior in high school who is looking for those in STEM related careers to answer some interview questions. I am preparing for college and trying to discover what job I would like to pursue after college. Thank you! Interview Questions: 1. What is your job title? What is the name of your workplace? 2. How did you choose this career? 3. What are your daily responsibilities? 4. What kind of skills do you need to perform your job? What was your major in college? Did your major help you gain these skills? 5. How much education or training is required/recommended for this occupation? What kind of degree would you recommend for someone going into this profession? 6. How many hours do you work per week? Are you expected to do overtime? 7. What kind of personality is best suited for this career? 8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of your job? 9. Do you feel your salary compensates you appropriately for the amount of work you do? 10. What can you tell me about advancement opportunities? Do you need to update your skills/ education to ensure advancement? 11. What do you see as the future outlook for this job? Are there going to be jobs available in this field for 5 years? 12. What kind of work/volunteer experience would help me discover if I am interested in pursuing this profession?

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Sym642 views

What is the best thing to do to prepare before pursuing a comp sci and mathematics double major?

Grade 12, senior

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Anirud578 views

What is the best way to keep having motivation?

I have interest in computer science and STEM.

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mayleah680 views

How can I be more likable in professional settings? I want to be an architectural engineer

I want to be more likeable for people I'll work with.

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miyana592 views

Is the pressure of being a woman in STEM extreme?

I've been considering going down a Stem path when I get to college but I'm worried I would be too intimidated to actively pursue my degree.

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