Career questions tagged summer-jobs

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Jin414 views

How can I find internships in STEM? (remote or on-site)

Hi, I am currently a rising senior in high school and wish to find an internship to do over the summer (and possibly into the school year). I wish to get an internship in STEM as I wish to pursue a future career in it. I am unsure where to look or how to obtain one.

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Emily452 views

What job should I get as a teenager?

I'm looking for a job but I'm not sure if I should work in food or retail or if I should find a job related to medicine since that is what I want to pursue. Please help!!!

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Brenda672 views

How can I make the most of my summer vacation to prepare for senior year and apply to colleges?

I'm currently a junior, and I need some advice on how to spend my summer vacation to help prepare for my upcoming senior year.

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Anthony459 views

what should I do this summer to follow my career goal?

what should I do this summer to follow my career goal?

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Elizabeth355 views

What are good first jobs for high schoolers?

Part time jobs during the summer with a somewhat flexible schedule.

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Arsh618 views

Any jobs as receptionist ?

Hey! I am currently looking for a summer job as a receptionist in NYC as a high school student. If anyone is in need of a receptionist for the summer, please let me know, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!

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Swann6408 views

What type of job should I get at 14? ?

I'm 14 and want to have a good job that I can work in summer easily as a first timer. Any suggestions as to what type?

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Emma552 views

First jobs help?

What's the best job to get as a first job? Work hours and such. Including pay. Could it possibly be a summer job to? Do I need to have any work experience?

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Summer884 views

how do I get a no experience required job to start out my career Im looking for a job fitting in environmental conservation but the only jobs available are fast food?

how do I get a no experience required job to start out my career? Im looking for a job fitting in environmental conservation but the only jobs available are fast food

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Kevin1638 views

What is the best (and quickest) way to get a summer job?

Although the summer is over, my summer job search over the last few months has been very choatic and all over the place (and not very benficial, until about a week ago). How can I get a job sooner in the summer?

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b317 views

What is a good idea for a first summer job?

I am about to turn 15 and next summer I want a job to keep busy and save some money, but I am not interested in working at a fast food restaurant. What are some ways to find places and tips for applying.

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christiana206 views

What do employers look for when hiring teens?

When I go to apply for a job I have difficulty trying to pander to employers, especially because of my lack of work experience.

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Lorraine597 views

Any tips for a 14 year old that wants a job?

How do you get your first job? What age did you get your first job? Do you need to ask your school for a workers permit to apply for a job? What are some good places to work if your 14+?

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Allison242 views

how do i get a job over the summer if i take a break between the job time ?

how do i get a job over the summer if i take a break between the job time?

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Miguel1110 views

How to get an internship with no relevant work experience?

I am an economics major and I have been looking for internships for a while now, but since I don't have any relevant experience it has been hard for me to get any offers.

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Isabelle410 views

What do i do I need help?

What do i do next, I am just lost and don’t know what to do next to go in the right direction. There’s so many ways my life could play out right now. The decision is hard, whether to work or to have my last fun summer.

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Sebastian363 views

What should i do over the summer?

I'm in high school about to go in the summer, what should i do to get a better understanding of what i want to do for my career.

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Anjali338 views

How can I get internships when I lack experience?

So far I've only held a job at a rolled ice cream place in my town, so my experience in the workforce is pretty minimal. How do I find internships that require little to no professional experience? How can I increase my experience while looking for internships as well?

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Andrew403 views

How can I get a research internship this summer?

I'm currently in a high school junior in Brooklyn, NY. I would like to develop the skills and knowledge necessary for mechanical or chemical engineering. Are there any good websites I can learn some of this stuff on my own, potentially creating something in my high school career?

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Sai V429 views

Summer- internship?

Hi, I am looking for a good internship I. My local area, I am in high school so it is hard to find a intern. Can anyone help me?

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thejas559 views

Any suggestion job role BSC electronics graduate?

#EOY22 Any suggestion job role BSC electronics graduate?

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Anna688 views

Should I spend the whole summer job shadowing for an optometrist center?

I was wondering if it's possible to shadow a doctor twice a week for the whole summer. Do most job shadowing only last for a week? How long can I shadow a doctor for?

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Kayana653 views

Where can I find internships?

I want to do internships but part-time with less commitment as I am already swamped with my previous duties. Any ideas where can I find high school internships like this? doesn't matter whether paid or unpaid.

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Helen725 views

Where is the best place to find an internship?

#highschool #internships #summer-jobs

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Mia3175 views

What free and virtual summer programs related to medicine can I join as a high school student?

I want to build up my resume and extracurricular activities this summer. I want to join summer programs but they are all really expensive. Is there any free, virtual summer program that's for high school students related to the field of medicine? #high-school-students #high-school #summer #summer-jobs #summer-program #medicine #healthcare #doctor

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AREF780 views

Do you think that age determines the change of job?

#jobs #first-job #job-market #summer-jobs #job #job #job #job #job #job #job

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Emily7684 views

How to follow up on internship applications?

I have been cold-emailing architecture firms seeking an internship opportunity for this summer, but have heard back from very few. Is it appropriate to follow up on emails I sent 3-4 weeks ago to try and get an answer? If so, what should I say? #internships #internship #summer-jobs #intern #architecture #applying

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Tatiana528 views

what is the best way to find a summer job


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James1375 views

What do I bring to a job interview?

#July2020 #interview #job #summer-jobs #jobs #first-job

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Lanzheng781 views

Where can I find energy related internship?

New graduated Master's student studying energy market, energy efficiency, and data analysis. Where can I find an internship related to what I studied? #internship #summer-jobs #Energy #Renewable Energy #Analyst

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