Career questions tagged general

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Annie934 views

Should I retake my SAT if I got a 1380 on it?

I will most likely go to a college in Florida (University of central Florida or University of Florida). I also want to major in a science.

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brenton744 views

how can i choose the best highschool ?

hignschool tips

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Jonas318 views

My Question For Theme Park Entertainment

What is it like to work in a theme park in entertainment

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Ryan197 views

How do I start my singing career?

How could I start singing? Yes next year I know I will be in choir and it has really inspired me and I was wondering where could I begin at?

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Rider235 views

What can I or cant include in my CV?

What can I or cant include in my CV?

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Gia588 views

What is some advice to start a business?

I’m starting a business with Lela give me advice.

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Pearl524 views

What's the one simple habit that enhances all aspects of life?

I mean how does adopting that one habit positively impact mental, physical, and financial well-being?

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Fisher553 views

Hello! I’m a Highschool theater student and I was wondering how or even if I could go into the big time acting industry in highschool! I think I’m ok at acting so maybe it’s possible!?

I would really appreciate tips

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ethan561 views

what can i do

I am currently a cyber securitist in college with a discipline in tiktok Experience. Initially I was a selling things across the street, but i think im tired of it now. please what an i do

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nadin598 views

the best highschool?

highschol locations

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Gabriela1004 views

What’s good jobs can you get majoring in business that are easy and high paid with no math

What should I major in???????????

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Angel324 views

Why cant we all just get a job we like?

Question writing tips

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Deborah675 views

I'm applying to University of Manitoba in Canada into the Faculty of Science and I'm from Nigeria so one of the admission requirements is that I need an equivalent minimum average of B3 (80%) over the four courses needed with no less than C6(60%) in each course. The problem is how do I calculate my average because I'm a bit confused, to make sure I'm eligible and I meet the requirements before applying?

I'm a high school graduate.

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Kayla3194 views

How do I fill out a Resume?

In previous answers to my questions and applications I have filled out, they mention a resume. I've never actually filled out a Resume and do not know how to fill one out because I do not think anyone has taught me yet how and where to fill one out.

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Henry2322 views

Is working at a car dealership good financially

i wonder if people that work at dealerships get payed well?

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Robert532 views

what is your schedule like ?

what is your schedule like

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Joanna356 views

What are collages looking for in college essays?

college essay tips

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Hayah323 views

How Can I Earn Lots of Money?

How Can I Earn Lots of Money?

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cody247 views

what did you do after highschool?

what did you do after highschool and how did you go about it, do you think you made the right choices and if you went to college how many times did you switch your major.

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Madalynn1242 views

How does photography work in general like what jobs can you take up taking pictures of maybe nature or art

How does photography work in general like what jobs can you take up taking pictures of maybe nature or art I just find it so interesting to myself it seems so cool.

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Brody237 views

I have a question!

Can professionals ask questions on CareerVillage. I know someone that has a quest but he can't ask it because it doesn't give him the option. Thank You!

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Madison8144 views

What classes can I start taking in highschool to help me get into psychology?

I’m a sophomore in highschool and really want to go into psychology and I’m wondering what I can do now to help me in the future

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Zyda438 views

I have a question. I’m an 11th grader applying for colleges a right now. What are some good programs to get in for nursing?

I have applied for a few a few colleges. I’m from the US, so if you have any that are really good, feel free to let me know. Thank y’all and have a good one!

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jade364 views

What advice for real estate/marketing?

What advice do you have for starting Real Estate/Marketing? starting college next year and need some tips i dont know about already. i'd love as many as i can get too be prepared. Thank you :)

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Bee831 views

Am i able to still get my dream job if i have to get a GED?

Am i able to become a counselor if i have a GED? I am failing school and have to repeat 9th grade my school had told me i was most likely get kicked out and most likely will have to get my GED im concerned i wont be able to get my dream job.

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lexie342 views

whats a good way to study for final exams

i have to pass my finals

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David502 views

What are some simple jobs with zero customer relations?

I have tried searching up several warehouse jobs, and they would be a great fit but there are none near me. I want something where no one will bother me while I am working, and preferably something simple and repetitive. I thought about pill sorting, and cleaning jobs but I cannot find any that aren't part of a store or restaurant. If it matters, I have only experience at one other job, and I have no problems with background checks or drug tests. I was hoping there would be ways to find a controlled substance job but that doesn't seem to be the case. Any ideas would be extremely helpful.

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SHARI739 views

Should i go to college after highschool or start working?

should i start working or go to college? Does college actually help?

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SHARI375 views

When should I start saving for college?

College is expensive and I’m not sure if I’m able to get financial aid or scholarships, so when should I start saving?

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Jacob428 views

What are some ways to become a good game designer?

Specificaly someone who wants to work on video games or computer designing.

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