Career questions tagged mentalhealth

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Onyx254 views

What was the hardest thing about becoming a psychiatric nurse?

I'm a current Job Corp student and would love to understand this field better. If you have other info on this field, please let me know.

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Jonathan319 views

How can I be more open to socializing with social anxiety ?

How can I be more open to socializing with social anxiety?

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Carmella1346 views

What jobs can I work on that will help me get into and prepare for mental health counseling or clinical psychology graduate school?

I have a bachelor's degree in sociology and I'm looking for a mental health or psychology-related entry-level job where I can learn and that will help me have a better chance at getting into grad school. I am particularly interested in counseling psychology, talk therapy. I see a lot of behavioral technician jobs around, not a lot of mental health technician jobs. What would someone in the field suggest?

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Pearl524 views

What's the one simple habit that enhances all aspects of life?

I mean how does adopting that one habit positively impact mental, physical, and financial well-being?

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Julissa274 views

Is there a downside to addiction counseling that is not openly talked about?

Besides obviously having difficult days with people who are going through very emotional times, are there any catches to the profession people do not discuss?

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Kyleigh692 views

What is the number one way to pass your college classes?

yep this is really stupid now that I am done

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Amiya603 views

What makes you financially ready?

Im really big on saving and I would like to know what amount of money is enough

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Bruce1450 views

What should I do if I am a psychologist and my patient starts having a medical emergency or admits to murder?

I am just asking because I am hoping to be a psychologist or some type of counseling job that helps people without being really in the medical field, besides that I just want some tips and suggestions if that happens.

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Milan398 views

What does a regular/average work day?

When you're a psychologist you help people with their mental health. How do you know when you've helped someone too much or you're just doing your job? I feel like the mental toll from being a psychologist would affect your own mental health greatly and I want to know how to balance the job and just being too nice. I'm in high school and this is one of the jobs I really want to do because I'm a very emotional person and I know what it's like to struggle with mental health.

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Grace248 views

How bad is the toll?

I know going into the mental health field can take a toll on people but is it to the point where they need to talk about it with other professionals?

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Grace327 views

What are some good paying jobs?

what are some good paying jobs in the mental health field?

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Grace267 views

Help I am trying to figure out my college path. ?

How far should I go in education (specifically college) to become successful in psychology (specifically a psychologist)?

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Adilay424 views

How does a psychologist compare and contrast to a psychiatrist?

I do know the education requirements and salaries are different, but what about the actual tasks? Can they both diagnose mental disorders or is that only the job of one? Can psychiatrists offer talk therapy in addition to medication, or do they just prescribe the meds? Which would be more direct in helping people through their mental illnesses?

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Adilay393 views

what should i consider before going into a career in psychology, especially in dealing with mental health?

Salary? Specific difficulties? Pros/cons?

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Niloofar718 views

What are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit?

Hi all, I'm a second year grad student in mental health counseling, and first year intern. I was wondering what are the important points to remember working as a new clinical mental health intern at an inpatient/outpatient hospital unit? Do you have any tips that would ease the anxiety of not knowing what to expect?

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Toni602 views

How can I develop or achieve a academic or dream career while also maintaining a sufficient social and personal life?

For instance, being able to take vacations, practice my hobbies, hang out with friends and family are all what I desire but I fear I won't be able to do any of that if I take the standard academic route and do a Masters program or go to graduate school for even longer.

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Aniya292 views

What are the most effective strategies for seeking a position in this? field?

Mental Health Counselor?

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Kayla1678 views

What in your opinion, is a typical reason for wanting to study psychology?

Like what do you think is the most common reason psychologists and psychology students have for getting into that field? I have been wondering this for a while and I have my own opinions but I’m only a high schooler and was wondering what the professionals thought.

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Ryleigh3394 views

What careers are associated with psychology?

I'm a freshman, going to be a sophomore in highschool. I took psychology this year and I was really interested in it and made an A. I signed up to take Psychology AP next year and I'm pretty confident that I'll do well in it. I've been considering what I should major in college and at the moment, I'm going to do psychology. But if I were to carry that out and do it, what careers could I look at to possibly do for the rest of my life?

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Christopher362 views

Hello! My name is Christopher and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the sociology mental health field or authors writing about the sociology mental health field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. If you are able to answer these 13 questions for my project. ?

1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you? landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. I you have written a book how many books about sociology have you written? If so what are the names? 12. What is something you wished you knew before becoming a sociologist in mental health /Author 13. What other majors would be good to take to help you become a sociologist?

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Roberto418 views

Why did you choose to become a Psychiatrist?

When I was 18 years old I attempted suicide and I want to help future generations by lowering the rate of teen suicide.

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Trinity1282 views

what jobs are good for someone who has social anxiety adhd and other mental health struggles?

I have adhd and severe social anxiety but would still like a high paying job ippurinty that wont wreck my mental health.

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Sarah1044 views

What are good places to start looking into being a therapist and what are things I can do to start preparing to take this career path in high school?

I am a sophomore in high school and I am interested in becoming a therapist, but don't know exactly where to start research or how to become prepared. Thank you!

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K.627 views

Should I become a Psychiatric-Mental Health Nurse Practitioner or a Clinical Psychologist?

I'm interested in mental health. At first I was set on being an adolescent psychologist, but then I saw mental health nurses practitioner. To become a mental health nurses practitioner, there's less school required (only masters) and it pays equal (if not more than) a clinical psychologist's salary. If anyone has one of these professions, can you please share your experience? Thank you.

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Erica1143 views

Does your workplace value your mental health?

It might be a silly question but I'm genuinely curious about people's prospect. This is all because you're replaceable once you're 6 ft under so why not take care of your mental health?

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Laverna476 views

How do you continue to stay motivated and work hard even though you feel checked out of everything?

#school #mentalhealth

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Bobbi420 views

What can I be doing right now to build my resume for mental health field employers?

I know that I want to go into the mental health field, but due to confidentiality issues, I see that I may not be able to job shadow. What else can I be doing now other than school? #career #mentalhealth #opportunity

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Angel459 views

Hello, my name is Angel and I am currently seeking a job and work experience in the mental health department or any department where i help and interact with people.

I'm in my first year of university, studying Bachelor of Arts. I am passionate about mental health and helping people become better versions of themselves. I aspire to help people and ensure those I come in contact with are in a better place emotionally, mentally and spiritually. I'd love to gain work experience under a psychologist, metal health advocate or case manager, or anything along those lines. #healthcare #career #psychology #casemanager #mentalhealth

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Beth1252 views

What's the key to solving life's problems?

#psychology #mentalhealth

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hakeem1042 views

How to stop procrastinating

#mentalhealth #homework #you matter

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