Career questions tagged psychiatrist

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Onyx264 views

What does a day look like as a psychiatric nurse?

I'm a student at Job Corps and would love to better know about this field. If you have any other info on this field please let me know.

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Onyx253 views

What was the hardest thing about becoming a psychiatric nurse?

I'm a current Job Corp student and would love to understand this field better. If you have other info on this field, please let me know.

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sal301 views

Becoming a child psychiatrist/psychologist

How would one become a child psychiatrist/psychologist, what pathway would they have to take Is it majoring in psychology, pre-med, and then residency?

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Delavina312 views

I am thinking about becoming a Forensic Psychiatrist, What are the steps to get there?

I am in 10th grade and I know I want to go into the psychiatry field. I am interested in mental health, and helping others. I want to understand the behavior that causes people to commit crimes.

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Arianna327 views

What Steps should I take in becoming a Psychiatrist?

Currently getting my Highschool diploma/GED and I'm curious as to what steps I should take next? What Should I major in? What Classes should I take? Any tips on studying? Could you explain to me step by step the process in becoming a Psychiatrist?

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Zoe523 views

How to become a psychiatrist?


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Amber838 views

What is something that you realized while being a Psychiatrist in college?

What are somethings that you know about someone who is in the Psychiatrist feild of work? What are they doing now? How much money are they making if you know? How many jobs did they work while in college?

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Heaven723 views

What are the drawbacks of being a Psychiatrist?

I'm looking into becoming a Psychiatrist and was wondering what the drawbacks are.

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Heaven539 views

What are the first steps to becoming a psychiatrist?

I'm looking into becoming a psychiatrist and was wondering what steps I should take.

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courtney511 views

Is there anything a psychiatrist would tell someone interested in being a psychiatrist?

Is there anything that you wish someone had told you before you decided to become a psychiatrist? Is there anything that might potentially deter anyone from becoming a psychiatrist?

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sophie766 views

What do you need to major in to become a psychiatrist?

I've wanted to become a psychiatrist for a while now but I don't know how I would start. Would it be something like premed?

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Chastity408 views

What will my college life look like, roughly, in order to become a psychiatric doctor?

I'm in the 11th grade aspiring to become and doctor in the medical field. I am currently leaning towards psychiatry, but would like to know my options before committing. Thank you so much for your help!

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Jayleen471 views

What are the negative effects of being a psychiatrist?

Are there any things that some people may regret after becoming a psychiatrist?

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Eli521 views

What should I know as someone that's wants to be a psychiatrist ?

What is like being a psychiatrist? Is it a good paying job? What college did you attend to become e a psychiatrist? Do you enjoy your job? Is your job difficult?

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Yessica387 views

What does it take to become a therapist or psychiatrist? How many years of school? What is the difference between the two fields of study? What classes should I take?

I’m wanting to go into the field of psychology, but I’m not sure which career would fit me best. Being a therapist or a psychiatrist peaked my interest the most.

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Deacon1162 views

What classes would you recommend and aspiring psychiatrist to take?

I am a 15 year old student of Spectrum High school who aspires to become a psychiatrist. What classes could I take now to better prepare myself for college?

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Ruby461 views

What skills do I need to be a psychiatrist and what education do I need?

Hello my name is Ruby, I live and Arizona and I would like to be a psychiatrist because I like listening to people and helping. I would like to now what skills and education I need? Is all the school worth it?

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Britney666 views

What are the steps to become a psychiatrist after high school?

Right now I think I should to major in neuroscience, and then apply to med school. However Im not sure if thats the best way to go to ensure I get my PHD in psychiatry and then become a Psychiatrist. Honestly I am lost and would love some help going over the process/steps.

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Tanthy272 views

How to stand out?

HI, I am a Junior in high school. I plan on going to UW (good school choice?) and major in nursing/pre med. I will study to become a psychiatrist. What should I be doing now to stand out for Medical School?

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Aliana337 views

What can I do to set myself up to be better of in my pursuit to be a psychiatrist?

I’m a 10th grader living in Florida which recently banned AP Psychology before I could take it. I took into to psychology last year and wanted to know if there is anything else I could do.

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Jah-Nia283 views

just a question but?

what is it like being a psychiatrist/ counselor I want to be one but I'm scared and i don'r know if i can handle the stress and emotional toll how do some of you guys handle it

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Elizabeth333 views

What is some good advice on the steps to becoming a psychiatrist?

I'm a Junior in high schools that loves great advice and learning form others. To help with my question just briefly give me some tips or advice to help out. For example say I'm on the path to the first step of becoming a psychiatrist, you then can say something like if you go on to do this try out this or that it will help.

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Joceline283 views

Hello. My name is Joceline and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an Interview with any professional Psychiatric technician and aides field for a foundations in health science class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment. ?

1. What profession did you choose? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job. 4. How can I decide if I should earn a ph.d in this field 5.Were you in a college program? 6.Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date?

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Roberto411 views

To become a psychiatrist, how long did it take for you to get your doctorate degree?

did you have any hiccups while pursuing your career.

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Roberto418 views

Why did you choose to become a Psychiatrist?

When I was 18 years old I attempted suicide and I want to help future generations by lowering the rate of teen suicide.

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Jose372 views

how does assessing, diagnosing, and treating mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders work?


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Erin421 views

If I wanted to be a psychiatrist, what kind of things would I have to do right now in school?

I'm currently a freshman in high school in all honors classes, I have good grades (high honors), I'm in the drama club at school, I participate in theatre outside of school, and I also take dance classes. Is there anything else I should be doing right now to ensure I'll get into college for a psychology degree?

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Elahsia490 views


I would like a career with a high paying major. Would being a psychiatrist occur in that goal?

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Trenity871 views

Difficulties becoming a psychiatrist...?

What difficulties might one face in trying to become a psychiatrist? How might they overcome them?

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Trenity928 views

Sub-fields of Psychiatry...

While researching the career field, I found out that there are sub-fields of psychiatry. I am aware of the following: - Addiction Psychiatry - Geriatric Psychiatry - Pediatric Psychiatry - Neuropsychiatry What do these sub-fields mean? Are there other sub-fields I should be aware of? How does one get into these fields?

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