Career questions tagged design

Creative design is essential in many careers. Some of the most popular ones include graphic design, interior, video games, and user experience. Please read below for more information. Read more Show less
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Caitlin865 views

How can I get into publication design from a marketing background?

I have a marketing design background and without experience I can't seem to get an interview. How did you break into a new field?

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lorri658 views

what do i choose?

hi..i'm lorri..i love design and drawing but i'm torn between the career path i want to choose

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Alejandro864 views

How will I find music connections towards managers

looking for a music manager who isn't selfish, looking to build a team

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Maya721 views

Can majoring in communication design good skills do have when becoming a graphic designer?

I’m a 11th grade High school students. I am thinking of applying for an Art college and majoring in communication design. My career goal is to be a graphic designer.

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J575 views

What does the general process look like for collaborating with a client on their website?

I'm hoping to freelance as a web designer after college. Should client(s) give me access to the backend of their website hosting platform in order to assist?

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Ninni748 views

What is the best way to get my photography portfolio out there as a new photographer How do grow my clientele?

I want to start learning how to create a clientele after college. #Spring23

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Kumudha438 views

What is the difference between pursuing research compared to working in R&D in the industry, particularly when it comes to product development/medical devices? #Fall22

I am pursuing a double major in Mechanical and Biomedical engineering, hoping to go into medical devices and I wanted to understand the different jobs/roles I can go into after graduation related to medical devices. #Fall22

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K942 views

How do you handle art blocks in your way?

How do you handle art blocks in your way?

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David642 views

I have several skills related to ideas. These include conceptual ability, design, improve. Can you help me identify careers that value these skills?

I want to find a job that fits my interests.

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Ruchi1170 views

How to choose between music or design major?

I am a 10th grader from CBSE board, i have great inclination towards music and i am also interested in designing as my artistic side is also good.I am so confused to choose music or design as my major in further studies.I have done 5 levels of indian classical music diploma from my native institute.

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Radhika1217 views

Can anyone suggest me some careers which have both computer science and art (drawing)?

I actually want a career which requires little math and as I am interested in art and computer as well

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Logan503 views

How can I develop and learn skills related to fashion design?

I am a freshman in high school. I aspire to be a fashion designer or stylist, but currently I just don't have the skills to be and don't know how to develop them.

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Meagan748 views

What do employers look for in interior design?

Hi! I’m almost a junior in high school and am wondering where I should start if I want a career in interior design. Do I need a college degree? An internship? A graphic design class? How can I set myself up for a well-paying job? #spring24

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Anita502 views

What is the important things you need to know about interior designing?

Where should you begin?

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Ellie869 views

What colleges should I aim for if I want to be an art director?

I'm not so sure what major or what university would be best for me! Currently I have average grades but I think I have below average extra curriculars. I really want to go to UCLA for their design media arts BA, but UCLA is such a reach school, I want to open up my horizons. currently im a sophomore: - asb for 2 years, will be 3 next year, historian for 3rd year - prom com traditional advertising head - tv production for two years - in advanced TV for one - city organization thing historian - next year will be in year book for advertising

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tabby981 views

How to find Interior Design Jobs (Apprenticeship)?

Ive been studying Interior design and Arcitercture for a short time in college and Im wondering how would someone get into getting your hands dirty physically into the interior design world. Ive create some really nice mood boards and want them to come to life. It's been hard to find jobs when you're only in community college. However, since Im an artist I venture into different hobbies of mine and I get caught up and lose track of what I really want to do. I want to be a professional Interior designer and get my A.A.S and then my B.F.A but I want to be an assistant or something. Please help me out here. Thanks for reading.

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Success659 views

How can i learn how to make different kind of pattern?

i know how to cut and sew,i can make cloth for women,men,boys and girls. I also know the guidelines that guide pattern drafting but i can just draft without confidence

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ja'reese567 views

what are the most needed tools on my way to becoming an artist?

I'd really like to know

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Pearl1011 views

As an artist, how can you ask your clients better questions to gain a deeper understanding of their needs?

I mean, if they ask you to design something, what kind of questions should you be asking?

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Daniel527 views

What's the easiest way to learn Graphics design?

I'm interested in graphics design and I've wanted to get into it but I have a busy schedule and don't often get time for anything else.

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Angel753 views

What can I do to achieve the goals that I set for my future?

I'm in high school, I want to learn more about certain topics that can help me with other careers as well, I love learning new things, and I'm interested in hands on experiences that can help me learn more about what I love.

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Shemye707 views

What's the easiest way to learn Ui /Ux design?

What's the easiest way to learn a UI and ux website design

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Michael638 views

What is the best website to learn UX design?

A free A-Z of UI/UX design

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Keira330 views

How do I sell my artwork for money?

Many artists find success with eBay with no restrictions on the medium. A quick look at eBay's art category shows the wealth of what's available

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Lilian380 views

How a beginner can start fashion designing? #Spring24

I'm a 17 year old,I am in college , I'm a computer science and software engineering student I'm an African, I'm a nigerian , I'm from delta state but I'm based in lagos state

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Cindy352 views

what are modeling and fashion about? how can you get into this type of environment?

what are modeling and fashion about? how can you get into this type of environment?

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xochilt415 views

what is the best fashion design?

fashion tips

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Alexander447 views

What are the things or steps I need to take to be a successful and consistent artist?

What are the things or steps I need to take to be a successful and consistent artist How do I become one of the most successful artists Why is it that sometimes I feel discouraged to do what I love that could give me a good career #career #design

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Stephanie810 views

What is the most challenging part of being an interior designer?

What is the most difficult part of being an interior designer?

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Miracle595 views

What do I need to be a good designer?

I've studied online courses on designing but I feel like it is not enough

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