Career questions tagged webdesign

How to start getting knowledge & experience in positioning and web-design?
Hello, I'm a bit puzzled about starting in digital marketing/e-commerce. I don't know how to start, there are too many things to learn, lots of expectations in job offers and I feel overwhelmed. I would like to work in technical aspects of marketing such as web design and positioning. Any recommendations how to plan learning about these things, what courses (!free!) I could start with?

What does the general process look like for collaborating with a client on their website?
I'm hoping to freelance as a web designer after college. Should client(s) give me access to the backend of their website hosting platform in order to assist?

What are the usual degree requirements of a Web Designer and Developer
I am starting school at a local community college this fall, and after long deliberation, have decided that I want to do web design/development, since I have taken both AP Art and AP Computer Science Principles, and they both ended up being two of my favorite classes, and have given me enough design and code experience to make me feel comfortable enough to want to pursue it as a career. I've decided I want to first off, start with an associates degree, as my college offers an AAAS in Graphics/Web Development. It offers two tracks for the degree, and I have actually decided to take both tracks and some extra Java classes since I have all of my general education requirements completed from AP courses. All around, the program itself along with the extra classes I plan to take I feel will be great in preparing me for a job with just an associates degree. BUT- I've done a lot of "job research" (I've googled web designer and web developer jobs) and I feel as if a lot of them require a bachelors degree in either computer science or graphic design. I don't really know if I want to go for a full-blown bachelors, considering I want to go into as little student debt as possible, and being financially independent of my parents is a really big goal for me Will an associates degree prepare me fully for a web design/development job? Will there be jobs for me, if I only pursue an associates? Also, any other career advice that is related would be super helpful. #graphic-design #college #webdesign #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #informationsystems #design #web-design #web-designer #associates-degree #design #graphic-design

How do I get an internship for web design in a small town?
#internship #graphic-design #technology #design #webdesign

Would it be good to study web design in London?
I want to be a web and graphic designer. I’m an American student. Is it a good idea? Or is programming overseas difficult. Also is it difficult for an American student to study in London?#webdesign #london #graphicdesign #international #studyabroad #webdesigner #britain #graphic-design #interior-design #webdevolopment #graphic-design #design #computer-software