Career questions tagged associates-degree

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Summer390 views

Do you have to transfer your associate's degree to your bachelors?

Hi, I am currently a rising junior who is taking dual enrollment classes in psychology. I was wondering that when I go to university do they take away my associates degree if they transfer the credits to my bachelors degree. I was wondering because If they didn't I could pursue a better-paying job with my associates degree rather than waiting till I get my bachelor's.

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Juan-Pablo526 views

Career Paths/Jobs that correlate to Associate in Science Degree?

I am currently in my second semester at Durham Tech getting my Associate's in Science and I have done some research on the jobs/careers I can get/attain from my degree but was wondering how would I go about not only finding a job that I would love to do, but how to search for the right one for me? AKA how to find internships, and how much work experience do I need?

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Ryleigh346 views

What should I work towards getting an Associates in if I am interested in becoming a clinical psychologist?

I am currently a Sophomore in high school and I am applying to do Dual-Enrollment online during my Junior and Senior year with a community college called Forsyth Tech. In order to apply I have to choose a pathway with certain classes and that is where I'm struggling. I'm given the choice between an Associates in Science, Applied science, or Arts. There isn't fully a pathway I could take to get an Associates in just Psychology.

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Travis442 views

What is your experience throughout learning Culinary or Advanced Culinary from the beginning to now?

I am looking for advice and what it would be like to help me look at my future and to help me prepare for anything that comes my way

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Carmen290 views

I am planning on playing college sports, what are some tactics that I should use to help me stay on track with school work?

I would like to go D2 or D3 in volleyball. 1/3 of the graduating class at my school graduates with their AA degree. This is something that I am planning on doing. Though I don't want to get into the real world at the ripe age of 20, so I am planning on getting my masters after completing my major.

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Noel1589 views

What is going to be the difference with having an associate degree and a bachelor degree in a major?

I am already taking college classes and going to get my associates next year and I would like to strive for a bachelors degree for ultrasound tech. So I was wonder what that difference is going to be.

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aaliyeh2700 views

I’m interested in becoming a veterinarian but not sure what Associates Degree to choose ?

Hi i’m a senior in high school and i’m interested in becoming a veterinarian! I currently work at a private vet clinic so I get first experience what vet life would be like and I love it. I’m not sure if I should get my A.S (associates in science) or just my regular A.A?

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emily593 views

Will Going to community college make a difference when i find jobs as a nurse?

I have been thinking about going to community college to get my associates degree and become a nurse but i still want a bachelors. Will this make it harder to get a job as a new grad nurse?

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Luis382 views

Do you need a bachelors or just an associates degree in a radiology technician career??

bachelors or associates in california

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Ellie544 views

Is it worth it getting an associates in illustration?

I am a high school student who is working on getting my bachelors in communications integrated with media management through dual enrollment. Since I will be graduating college two years early, I am trying to think about more schooling options. I love art and I think illustration will pair well with my major. I was thinking I could get my associates in illustration online after I get my bachelors so I can get a more artistic and creative job. Would this be a good option or should I look at something else?

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Genevieve1615 views

What is the best associates degree to get before getting a bachelor's degree in cybersecurity?

Both my younger brother and sister want to earn their associate's degree in cybersecurity, However, I'm concerned that they will be unable to find jobs after graduating with only their associate's degree. I've researched cybersecurity jobs, and discovered that most, if not all require at least a bachelor's degree. They want to work before getting their bachelor's degree so that they can have experience and see if they like the tech industry. Are there other associate's degrees that would have more job opportunities? Also, which computer/IT associate's degree be most compatible with a bachelor's in cybersecurity (i.e. the most credits would transfer/give them a basic foundation of computer knowledge)? Thanks in advance!!!

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Mel681 views

What is the best college or school in New Jersey for Phlebotomy?

I really have a hard time finding an accredited college or an institution that has a phlebotomy program.

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Elisa547 views

FOR CMA: what is the most difficult thing or situation about your day-to-day as a clinical medical assistant.

I am interested in becoming a clinical medical assistant with an associates in radiation therapy and I would like to know what is a difficult encounter in this field that you may experience day-to-day?

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Kass1051 views

What are the usual degree requirements of a Web Designer and Developer

I am starting school at a local community college this fall, and after long deliberation, have decided that I want to do web design/development, since I have taken both AP Art and AP Computer Science Principles, and they both ended up being two of my favorite classes, and have given me enough design and code experience to make me feel comfortable enough to want to pursue it as a career. I've decided I want to first off, start with an associates degree, as my college offers an AAAS in Graphics/Web Development. It offers two tracks for the degree, and I have actually decided to take both tracks and some extra Java classes since I have all of my general education requirements completed from AP courses. All around, the program itself along with the extra classes I plan to take I feel will be great in preparing me for a job with just an associates degree. BUT- I've done a lot of "job research" (I've googled web designer and web developer jobs) and I feel as if a lot of them require a bachelors degree in either computer science or graphic design. I don't really know if I want to go for a full-blown bachelors, considering I want to go into as little student debt as possible, and being financially independent of my parents is a really big goal for me Will an associates degree prepare me fully for a web design/development job? Will there be jobs for me, if I only pursue an associates? Also, any other career advice that is related would be super helpful. #graphic-design #college #webdesign #webdeveloper #webdevelopment #informationsystems #design #web-design #web-designer #associates-degree #design #graphic-design

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Tyler997 views

How important is college in my situation?

I'm going to try to keep this post short.... movies are my life. I've wanted to make films ever since I was a little kid. I can't see myself doing anything else. I'm currently a freshman at a community college. I'm currently building up my credit and saving up to pay for school. My parents can't pay for it, or cosign a loan for me. I'm the oldest of 9 kids, and my dad works a blue-collar job. They also said if they could pay for my school, they wouldn't because I'm a Film major. They don't believe in my dream. I have to do it all on my own-i kind of like it that way anyway. I've been working nonstop trying to save up, but I'm still not even close. Is college even necessary to work in the film industry? My parents keep telling me I will fail without a college degree. Academics aren't something I'm really good at. I'm a creative person. My problem is that I'm from a rural town in pennsylvania. There aren't many opportunities to work in film (or study it) in Pa. I'm planning on moving to New York City to work. I'm prepared to work odd jobs until I get my big break. NYC colleges are really expensive, and I don't know what to do. Can I succeed with an associate's degree? Or film certificate? Does anyone have any advice? I don't know who to ask. Do I need a degree to be successful? I have a hard time putting my ego aside. I don't want to see everyone else get a degree, and and go to college, but I can't. Any advice? #film #Film #film-school #movie-production #actor #college-major #college-advice #college-bound #associates-degree #cinematography #independent-films

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Tre2091 views

Can you get an associates degree at a community college and continue at a different college for a Bachelors?

Is it possible to get an associates degree at a community college, and then go to school for two more years at a different one and get your Bachelors? Or do you have to start all over? #degree #associates-degree #community-college

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Timothy1676 views

Is college worth the investiment if I am interested in pursuing a creative field?

Hello, currently I am an art student attending community college for an associate's degree in fine art and for a while now I have been contemplating if I am really suited to be in a college environment? Because after reflecting upon my own skills and interests I have recognized that I do not have many useful skills outside of art and I do not feel that college is a necessity if your an artist. I can understand the need for college for people who want to pursue more technical careers such as medical or law but when it concerns more creative fields that relate to art the work that you have produced holds more value to employers than a college degree. While I do believe that college art classes would help improve my skills, at the same time, I also think there are cheaper and more convenient alternatives for improving my craft on account of all the information that is available to artists online and that includes all of the countless internet videos that teach art lessons. So my question is would a degree in art actually help me land a job in the future? Or am I wasting time and money trying to get a useless degree when I would be better off spending my time promoting my own art work and creating content that will increase my value as an artist? I would like to hear your opinions on this subject and thank you in advance for any advice you can give me. #career #artist #fine-art #future-careers #community-college #associates-degree #creative-direction #personal-development #financial-planning #career-details

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Harris2086 views

can i change accounting to any other major ?

My major is accounting.. I am doing associates and earned 40 credits so far. i am not full time student even i skip my semesters because of my family issues . now i want to start a new career .. should i change career now or first complete this one ? i am good in computer but i never study and get diploma.. i learned about computer by myself. can you help me out to choose career. I really need that i can get job during study . #career #science #college-major #computer #major #it #associates-degree #acconting

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Brandon2391 views

How does the Phi Theta Kappa seal on my degree affect my means of employment?

Just the other day I was invited to join Phi Theta Kappa and was wondering what it actually looks like to employers. #community-college #associates-degree #employee-benefits #employee-recognition #phi-theta-kappa

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Kathryn939 views

Would it be smarter to get my associates degree in nursing and find a job from there, or should I go the extra two years and get my bachelors?

I'm just unsure of what to do. #nurse #bachelors-degree #associates-degree #undecided

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Sierra1236 views

If I get my Associates degree in health sciences, what will be the benefit of getting my Bachelors degree? Will it be just a raise, or will there be more?

I am going for my Associates degree and was wondering what the advantages of getting my bachelors degree would be other than it looks good behind my name. #healthcare #health #degree #bachelor #associates-degree #health-science

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Huy832 views

When I am studying, and if I receive and internship, Is there any possible chances of pay? What specific skills should I keep in mind for my future career in nursing?

I am a sophomore, and I am truly dedicated to the idea of one day becoming a nurse, Doctor, or any kind of health professional. I want to be able to earn these chosen careers because my goal, dream is to be able to live a life of helping people. I want to ensure a safe and healthy world. My parents are a major inspiration for me, I have experiences there lovingness towards me and complete strangers. I want to model that and hopefully show the same to the people I help. I come from a complex background and now I just want to better myself and others. #doctor #nursing #pre-med #physician #surgeon #phd #masters-degree #associates-degree

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Rachel1401 views

Do most hospitals only hire nurses with a bachelors, or are associates degrees accepted also?

I have heard that in the contiguous US, it is really hard to get a job as a nurse with only an associates degree in that field. #college #nurse #healthcare #career-counseling #health #hospital #bachelors-degree #associates-degree

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Kali 1516 views

I plan on going to a community college for nursing. Will I have to take any college classes before hand? Also, when do I take my TEAS test? After applying, while I'm in college, or before I apply?

My goal is to get my ADN at a community college, then continue online to get my BSN and finally go to a college for nurse anesthesia. #college #nursing #associates-degree #teas

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