Career questions tagged physician

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baksh745 views

what career do you guys think I can pursue in life ?

i love skiing and playing soccer, I'm smart and can hack few things too..

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CareerVillage Office Hours419 views

How to become a Medical Examiner?

Lend your expertise: what does it take to become a Medical Examiner? Note: Given the growing interest in the medical field, we're inviting our experienced professionals to share their knowledge.

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Rachel259 views

How can I become a formula one medic?

I am a senior in high school and I love watching Formula One. I am also planning to pursue a career in medicine, what other steps should I complete to try and make it to Formula One?

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Tiffany232 views

What Is the most challenging part of becoming a PA (Physician Assistant) And what is a good way to prepare for these challenges? #Spring24 ?

Additional Information about me is I'm really passionate about healthcare. And I enjoy it because I'm helping other people, feel like their best self. At the moment I am working on obtaining my CNA license. And plan on going to college to become a PA this really interested me because not only do I get to spend time with patients, but I also have the chance to learn about so many different aspects of healthcare to treat patients.

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Ava-Gail265 views

How long does it take to become a surgical physician assistant? Will there be additional years after PA school because of extra training for surgery?

Is there extra training additional to the 2 years of PA school.

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Hannah417 views

Is it worth it to pursue a career as a physician?

I'm a graduating senior in high school and I will be attending university this fall to major in Biology with an emphasis in pre-medicine. I've wanted to be a doctor my whole life. I lean towards primary care, and although I know that rotations are the key to knowing which specialty is best, as of right now I think I'd like to do med-peds. The problem is that I have heard so many negatives about being a physician. Between insurance problems, the potential for being sued, and political elements within healthcare, I wonder how doctors even have the time to care for their patients. And I've heard that they don't; rather, they have a specific amount of time they can spend with each patient, and the healthcare system is really mostly about making a profit. Current physicians-- is this true? Or are these just over exaggerations? I absolutely love science, and what I really want out of a career is the capability to truly help and serve people. I don't care about the salary as long as I have enough money to not worry about how I'm going to pay for necessities. I also want to travel the world, and I've always loved the idea of working internationally in underserved communities. Physicians, are you glad you stuck with it and became a doctor? Is residency really as awful as people say? Are the first two years of medical school completely memorization, or is it a combination of memorization and critical thinking? I really appreciate any insight and answers you have to my questions.

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Angelina489 views

how difficult is taking career pathway?

how hard is it to become a physician and how long will it take me because I am 16 years and in 10th grade

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Lory1227 views

Pros and cons for Physician Assistant as a job?

I don't think I have the drive to pursue an actual PhD so I looked into alternatives and PA happens to be one of them. Any pros and cons I should be aware of?

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Lory593 views

What are some steps I can take as a highschool student to prepare myself for a possible psychology degree?

I'm almost sure that I'll take psych and be a PA but I know that its very selective and rigorous.

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Ebony508 views

How different is medical school for dermatologists than for physicians?

I am in the 10th grade and I wanted to know the difference in experiences of residency and medical school for aspiring dermatologists than for physicians that would work in a hospital.

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Frank398 views

Do have any advice that can help me get better at my responsibility to be a good Anesthesiologist?

How can i get better at my responsibility skills.

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Arsema506 views

Would it be better for me to take AP or IB if I want to be a pediatrician?

I am currently a freshman taking an IB course, but I have the opportunity to switch to AP. However, if I choose AP, I would need to take Latin. Unfortunately, my school does not offer many AP courses that align with my intended major, with the exception of Biology. The available AP courses offered by my school are: African American Studies, Art History, Biology, Calculus AB, Computer Science, English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Environmental Science, Microeconomics, Pre-Calculus, Statistics, U.S. Government, U.S. History, and World History. After researching both options, I found limited and mixed opinions about IB online. Some sources suggest that IB does not guarantee a diploma and is exceptionally challenging. Additionally, my school requires students to stay after school each day to attend classes, which I am not sure I am willing to commit to. However, if IB is the recommended pathway for pursuing pediatrics, I am willing to take the risk. However, admission to the program is not guaranteed, and I would need to pass an exam. Given these factors, I am genuinely undecided about which path to choose. (If I should pick AP, can you please select the APs that would best suit me.)

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Brooklyn461 views

What should I take into consideration when trying to decided to be a family Medical Physician or an Athletic Trainer?

I was wondering what I should take into consideration because I am trying to figure out which career would suit me best.

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Robert532 views

what is your schedule like ?

what is your schedule like

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Heaven3187 views

What path can I take if I want to go into dermatology but the years for education are shorter?

I want to be able to get into dermatology but I am struggling to commit because I do not want to go through 12-14 years of education. Are there any other roles similar to dermatology that require fewer years? I am not interested in estheticians, however

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Lucia521 views

If I'm certain(fairly) that I want to become a physician, should I attend a 7 year program(combines college + med school) as opposed to a 4 year college and having to apply again for med school?

For reference, I am a rising junior in high school.

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Kairi735 views

why are ultrasound technicians so important ?

Hello! I am going into 8th grade and i have questions about the career I want to do the most. The career I want to do is be an ultrasound technician. It sounds like a lot of fun. My main question is what career level do you need to be an ultrasound technician?

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Lomewika480 views

What do I want to do in Life, and how am I going to succeed?

I'm going to 8th grade this year, I want to be a physician but, don't know how to get there. What programs am I going to enroll in to get better experience? What type of scholarships I'm going apply for?

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Ali488 views

Why become a doctor v.s. a nurse or even a physician assistant?

Any tips, advice, or guidance would be extremely helpful. It would also be nice to hear anyone's own experience on why they made their decision.

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Rajkumarie576 views

What majors to study in college for becoming a physician?

I'm a high-school student soon to be graduated and would like to be prepared for my college majors.

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Cameryn517 views

What is better MD or DO?

I'm looking into applying to med schools.

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cheryl403 views

what is the hard thing about being a dermatologist?

Is it too early to apply for colleges?

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Sophia1154 views

What are some of the pros and cons of being a family physician vs the pros and cons of being a specialist?

I am a female in 9th grade and I am considering pursuing a medical career. I love helping people and I love problem-solving. I am deeply analytical and I have always found medicine intriguing. Thank you so much and have a wonderful day!

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Tran291 views

Did your passion for a Physician Assistant change after a few years?

What was the biggest obstacle in this field? What classes did you take in high school that helped in this field?

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Tran335 views

Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? As a Physician Assistant.

Did you shadow another professional in the field? Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career?

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Tran349 views

Hello! My name is Tran and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the Pediatric Physician Assistant field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers! I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment.

1. What profession did you choose as a Physician Assistant? Why 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program?

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Vinh414 views

Hello! My name is Vinh and I am a current high school student. I'm conducting an interview with any professional in the pharmaceutical or family medicine physician field for a Foundations in Health Science Class project about careers!

This is my second time asking this question. Unfortunately, I had only one person answer my previous question, so I wanted to ask again to get my questions out there. I have created a total of 13 questions. Comment on this post, answering all 13 questions to be a part of my assignment. 1. What profession did you choose? Why? 2. How many years of college did you need to go through? 3. What jobs did you work before you landed your present professional job? 4. How can I decide if I should earn a Ph.D. in this field? 5. Were you in a college program? 6. Did you have to pivot and go back to school at a later date? 7. Did you shadow another professional in the field? 8. Did you join any school clubs related to your current profession? 9. Was there a particular subject you struggled with during your school years? 10. What skill sets did you learn or gain while pursuing your career? 11. What is the hardest part about working in your professional job? 12. Were there any obstacles that you faced that slowed you down? If so, how did you stop them? 13. What would you like for people to know about this particular career before pursuing it? Thank you for answering these questions, I really appreciate you being a part of my assignment. Please make sure that you have answered every question, as my assignment needs all of them.

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aisha395 views

What are two pro and cons as being a physician ? Do the cons outweigh the pros?

Aisha, age 19

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Meghana548 views

How hard/easy are Indian medical colleges (MBBS) when I graduated from high school (12th) in the U.S??

I am going to complete my 12th grade in the US next year. I am considering going to India for medicine as it is much cheaper and shorter. In a general sense how well would I be able to do in Indian Medical colleges. I studied in India until my 8th grade and then came to the U.S. from 9th-12th.

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Angelina531 views

What is it like to be a doctor?

What is it like to be a doctor? How hard was it to get to med school? What is one thing you like about your profession? Pros and cons of being a doctor.

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